
2012-06-08 9:17 pm
It is inappropriate that he should receive the award again. ,這句中的should是甚麼意思?

I am concerned that she should think I stole the money. ,這句中的should又是甚麼意思?

回答 (4)

2012-06-09 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案

1)表示義務的should,意思與ought to相同,如:
  You should help him.
  We should not quarrel.


  It is natural that he should get angry.(他會生氣,是很自然的)
  It is strange that he should envy other.(他竟會羨慕別人,真是不可思議)(若這句沒有should意思就沒有驚奇的感覺:他羨慕別人,真奇怪)

3)推斷:should 也可以用來說某事非常可能發生,如:

  He should get here soon -- he left home at six. (他應該很快到--他六點就離家)

It is inappropriate that he should receive the award again(他竟會再次得獎,真是不適當)(第二種用法)

I am concerned that she should think I stole the money. (我擔心,她應該會想我偷了錢)(第三種用法)

2012-06-09 4:18 am
It is inappropriate that he should receive the award again. ,這句中的should是表示"遺憾"的"怎會"的意思

I am concerned that she should think I stole the money. ,這句中的should又是表示"可能性"的"或許會"的意思

完整should 的用法,看這裡。
2012-06-08 10:24 pm
2.(表示語氣較強的假設)萬一, 竟然
參考: yahoo 字典
2012-06-08 9:51 pm
參考: 自己

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