the 後的可不可加s

2012-06-08 12:53 am
the 後的可不可加s

回答 (3)

2012-06-08 1:56 am
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文法的邏輯是一個眾數名詞前面一般不用加the,理由是眾數一般來說便不是一個特定/指定的東西,所以不會以the來指定的。所以文法的邏輯(或你的問題)不是the之後用不用加s,但是如果那個眾數名詞在句子中是指剛才/文章內所說的那一樣東西,是可以加上the以表示就是那(些東西)。 例如:I love to eat cakes. 這句便不應/不能加the在cakes前面。因為句子中cakes的意思是指所有蛋糕。但是I love to eat the cakes from the Peninsula. 這句的cakes就可以(不用也可以)加the的,因為句子是表達指定是在半島酒店賣那些蛋糕我才愛吃,當中可以有很多款式,但我卻要表示指定只是那些。[這只是一個一般例子,當你講一些獨特的眾數東西或物件是可以the的] I love the sculptures made by XXX.那雕塑家的很多作品我都喜愛。
2012-06-08 3:09 am
Usage note:-The:-
The is not used with uncountable or plural nouns when you mean"all"I love life. I love rock music. I love ice cold beer drinks.
The is used on specific things.We drank the beer and the Coke and watched the TVB video.
The is used on an "of" phrase.I love the life of an TVB artist/the food that they cook/the good things in life.
The :---With many times of day and night and days,months etc,esp, after at,by, and on:-at the night/on the Wednesday after Christmas.Last week was awful(=the one just before now) and The last week was awful(=The last week of my holiday etc some time ago.)
The is usually needed with names of Hotels and Restaurants if they do not end in 's:--The Hilton/The Grand/the Mandarin.Also with names of rivers,sea,and groups of mountains:--the Ganges/The Rockies /The Atlantic/The Pacific/
2012-06-08 2:03 am
the + 名詞複數,可加s, 如: 'the waiters' (意會所指的是那些waiters)

the + 形容詞作名詞複數,不可加s,如:the poor,不可寫成 the poors

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