relative clause

2012-06-07 7:33 pm
The adder is a venomous snake __________ bite may prove fatal to humans.
A.That B. whom its C. its D. Whom E. whose

回答 (4)

2012-06-16 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The adderis a venomous snake. Its bite may prove fatal to humnans,Answer E: whoseWhose: 關係代名詞a relative pronoun; 適用於人物, 動物及死物 it can be used for people, animals and lifeless objects = his/ her/their/ itse.g Mydog, whose temper is very uncertain, often bites he judges at important dogshows.e.g. Thehouse whose windows are broken is unoccupied.e.g.Which is the book whose pages are torn?e.g.This is the new machine whose parts are too small to be seen.e.g. Thefactory whose workers are all women is closed for part of the school holidays.e.g. itwas an island whose name I have forgotten.

2012-06-15 19:35:54 補充:
reference: A dictionary of current English usage 張道其編‧
2012-06-09 7:11 am
the answer is D because whom is like who but snake is an animal so that i use whom><
參考: by myself:$
2012-06-08 8:03 pm
The adder is a venomous snake __________ bite may prove fatal to humans.
It should be A because the sentence isn't talk about the people, we don't use wh-words.

2012-06-09 14:20:11 補充:
adder = 大毒蛇
venomous = 有毒的
fatal = 致命的
The whole sentence is mean:
大毒蛇是一條有毒的蛇, 那咬一下可能證實人類會致命的。

This sentence is called "引導名詞子句"
You can go to Yahoo!Dictionary to check the meaning of the word " that "...
Hope Can Help You^^
參考: 我..希望幫到你=], 我..希望幫到你=]
2012-06-07 8:08 pm
The answer is E.

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