
2012-06-07 11:10 pm
如題: How to write 十年後的我 in English? Thanks!

回答 (6)

2012-06-07 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案

my future self of ten years later
my future self of ten years from today
my future self after a decade

My Future Self of Ten Years Later

2012-06-07 16:29:01 補充:
my future self 是正式寫法, 版主不妨加引號搜尋即知.
參考: *Infinito無極* 翻譯經驗
2012-06-08 12:38 pm
me in ten years' time.

in ten years' time, I ...
2012-06-08 7:02 am
Why me?

Be bold, and go for "The I, in ten years"

2012-06-08 04:13:31 補充:
Correcton: instead of "in ten years", it should be "ten years from now" or "ten years later" -- should'da read it more carefully and less casually.
2012-06-08 4:02 am
Big Paul must not have talked to Steve Hawking - he will tell you that there are many instance of you in parallel universes.

Or the Chinese dude who dreamed of butter fly - he would tell you the same. The next time I see him, I will ask him to cure you.

2012-06-07 20:06:15 補充:
Oh, back to the Q.

easy -

Me, in 10 years,
Me, after 10 years
Me, 10 years from now, will be Queen of USA. Even though I think I am better being the CEO of GS.

2012-06-08 02:34:41 補充:
I thought master priest was dreaming of elephant fly. Or is it Dumbo who did that?

I think it will take less than 10 years for you to dream of Earth fly. That is what I call "heavy duty" dream.
2012-06-07 11:39 pm
Q: How to write 十年後的我 in English?
A: me
("me" after 10 years is still "me")
2012-06-07 11:32 pm
In ten years of me
In a decade of me

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