Ebay question...............?

2012-06-06 3:32 pm
Two weeks ago my friend had mistakenly use my eBay account brought an item on ebay.When he noticed it was my account he log out and log back into his own account. So I had contacted the seller with email to explain the situation and ask if he could cancel the transaction in my account. But the seller thinks I want to cancel the transaction in my friend's account. And I had send him several emails to clarify the situation but he still doesn't understand. He lives in Korea so I'm guessing his English is not that well. So what can I do now? If I don't get this issue resolve by the next few days eBay said they might freeze my account because I did not pay for an item I had brought. Can I ask eBay to take care this issue for me because I can't communicate with the seller.
Thanks for any help

回答 (1)

2012-06-06 4:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may be able to handle this problem through eBay, I would try tweeting them if you fail to get a response from email. Really though, your best bet is with the seller, so I would look up a translation site and try translating your email to Korean and sending it that way.

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