Discussing philosophy with a fellow...?

2012-06-06 6:36 am
So, I was talking to a fellow Knight the other day, and he insists that the Force doesn't act through people and events or exert its will on the galaxy. I've been trying to persuade him of the Living Force view for ages, but he won't listen; he keeps insisting that the Force is impartial and above our concerns. How do I prove to him that the dark side is inherently imbalancing and the Force has a real will that we try to carry out?

回答 (6)

2012-06-06 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
You fool the living force is just a bunch of superstition, you will end up as Qui-gon if you keep following this red herring. The force is a substance, a resource, to be used for own betterment.
2012-06-06 1:57 pm
"the dark side is inherently imbalancing " ... I dont understand that mentality and I dont think I EVER will... BOTH sides are "imbalancing" seeking to overcome and suppress the other, the reign or rule. The Jedi were a Power in the galaxy, a force to be reckoned with. They were Large and In Charge.... what kind of an idiot do you have to be to "pray for a savior, to come and restore the balance" when your side has been WINNING, has been On TOP for hundreds of years? What did you THINK was gonna happen? restoring the balance doesnt mean destroying evil so that good can become stable in an "unchallenged" sort of way... it means the EVIL comes roaring BACK into Power and suddenly its NOT all sunshine and happy shiny people driving the boat any more. The BALANCE of good and evil means JUST AS MUCH evil as good.

You Jedi had your heads up your backsides, believing the savior was gonna "save yer" asses. When all you have is "good guys" and "really good guys" someone has to step up and be the villians by necessity
2012-06-06 1:59 pm
You are making the mistake of wanting to be right in your preconceived notions about the unknown more than you want to experience the unknown in its actual, unimaginable glory. In other words, for you, pride is more important than humility.


John Popelish
2012-06-06 1:43 pm
You are wrong, he is right. Settle it that way..

Half-@ss is bad, no matter which cheek you have left.
2012-06-06 1:41 pm
your use of the word philosophy is deceiving. you should have said filmosophy
2012-06-06 1:40 pm
When the hell did star wars become a religion?

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