what happens if my boyfriend is 19 and im 15 ?

2012-06-06 5:08 am
mi and my boyfriend have been dating since he was 17 and i was 13 and its been almost 2 years together and now he is 19 and im 15 is that bad ?

回答 (16)

2012-06-06 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are having sex he could go to jail & have trouble the rest of his life. Lots of people don't like to hire people who have statutory rape charges on their record. It wont matter if you said yes. His family & friends could also reject him. He'd forever be labeled a child molester & may even have to register as one which would mean anyone could look him up online & harass him. Plus, he's at a way different place in life. In a few years he may be wanting someone to settle down with & you'll still be figuring out life & who you are as an individual. From the age of 15 to 19 you personally will go through lots of emotional & mental changes.

My husband is 5 years older than me. We met when I was 13. He didn't dare do anything though, even flirt, until I was legal. Its called respect.
2012-06-06 5:13 am
Stay cool, stay in school.
Just dont let the relationship affect your academic performance
2012-06-06 5:11 am
He could go to jail for statutory rape and you could end up being a teen mother.
2012-06-06 5:10 am
if you are having sex he can be charged with sexual exploitation of a minor.
if not, the " romeo and juliet" exceptions apply to the relationship in which case police are reluctant to charge a person in a relationship with someone less than 5 years younger than them .
2012-06-06 5:12 am
Whoho! Teenage Love, I'll say marry him.
2016-07-15 1:20 am
So many answers which might be utterly incorrect. Indeed, in Canada there is a close-in-age exemption of *5* years, where the more youthful character is 14 or 15. Because of this that, assuming no relationship of dependency, position of trust or authority, and so forth., there may be nothing legally wrong with even a sexual relationship between a 19-yr-old and a 15-yr-historical.
2012-06-06 8:25 am
well u shouldn't have dated him when you were only 13 and he was 17 but now I guess it's fine just don't get pregnant otherwise you both will ruin your life.
2012-06-06 5:19 am
Whoa back away not today.

Disco lady
2012-06-06 5:10 am
I don't understand why you have such an age difference; but regardless, depending on where you live, something you do could be seen as illegal.
2012-06-06 5:19 am
How old is 15 really? Elizabeth Smart kidnapped within 8 miles of her home and was gone for months. A younger girl 7 was kidnapped tied up girl chewed trough the ropes and escaped and found her house. Meanwhile another kid gets life in prison for doing a wrestling move on his younger neighbor. How old is 15 really?

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