Do you think that Ryback will go anywhere in the WWE ?

2012-06-06 4:55 am
FEED ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (13)

2012-06-06 5:00 am
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2012-06-06 5:08 am
He looks like Goldberg in RVD's attire lol I hope so
2012-06-06 5:37 am
I Doubt it. WWE is having problems pushing people at the moment. They hang on to Cena and Orton to much. Now Orton is out the picture for 2 months it would be a good time to push some mid-carders. I see him having a decent undefeated streak them not knowing what else to do with him, turn him heel and Cena or Orton will beat him.
參考: My lack of confidence in the WWE creative team
2012-06-06 4:19 pm
Most likely be stuck in the mid-card level. He has the size and strength, but I don't see him as a future WWE Hall of Famer or anything along those lines of success. I see Ryback as another 'dominant force to be reckon with,' only to go down as a guy that competes on Superstars. This is just my opinion.
2012-06-06 12:38 pm
It very early to make a judgement, he will need to improve both in the ring and on the mike and also be given a fair shot, he may well move into US/Intercontinental title contention in the next few months, if they let him carry that for a LONG time he could be a star.
2012-06-06 6:32 am
@ promoedgehead Thats exactly what I was thinking!! Haha

Yah I do but they need to stop putting him against no name jobbers
2012-06-06 5:05 am
Why don't they give this guy a real match!? I'm tired of seeing literally the SAME THING every week!!! It's annoying. Give the guy a real match. I wanna see his talent tested. Hopefully they give him a real match so he will go somewhere. But no one even really knows how good he is because he isn't even facing someone who can challenge him.
2012-06-06 5:02 am
I hope he will.
WWE is interested in makng him as dominate as guys like Goldberg
I also like to see Ezeikel Jackson gets a major push, or his muscles would be wasted...@@@
參考: Big guys rules the WWE
2012-06-06 4:57 am
2012-06-06 7:41 am
the man has strength i can tell you that he has shown us how much talent he has over the weeks by his total domination and double shell-shocks he showed us he has talent but how much we do not know because they have given him nameless wrestlers but if he continues like this a few more years and he will be the face of wwe
2012-06-06 5:43 am
Ryback sucks just like your question

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