How do I find inner peace?

2012-06-06 4:42 am
It seems that my life is so stressful lately. All I want is to be at peace with myself.

回答 (7)

2012-06-06 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Search your mind for thoughts that give you peace. Imagine a lifestyle that would bring you happiness. Trust your intuition, and turn these thoughts into goals; keep them in mind always, and turn your goals into actions. Sometimes we get lost along our way, and thats ok; everything happens for a reason.
2012-06-06 4:45 am
One thing that would help a lot would be to put the TV in the dumpster, and never listen to or read the news.
2012-06-06 5:47 am
All I want is to be at peace with myself.

~~~ Pay attention!!!
If you are feeling stressed, pay attention to the feeling of being stressed. Don't judge it, realize that there are feelings that must be perceived and that is one.
Pay attention to the things that bother you.
You cannot be "at peace with yourself" (schizophrenia?) until you Know yourSelf!

Learn to love that which irritates, that which is painful and ignorant and violent and hateful... the rest is easy to love.
Hence the schizophrenia.

Buddha was peacefully sitting under a tree meditating when a hoard of beautiful women 'demons' tried to seduce Buddha from his practice. While they were trying their hardest, Buddha tried to 'banish' them. He ordered them to begone, and to be peaceful, but not anything worked until his heart lovingly opened, accepting them all, unconditionally! To the Buddha they were no longer 'demons/enemies' but healed beloved 'Self!'! One! The 'demons' that he saw before him were reflections of places in his own heart that needed healing, acceptance, love...

Who is unworthy of Love!
Self is always the hardest to Love!
This is the root of your stress.
Learn to Love those who abuse you, who disgust you, who repel and misuse you!
Peace is Love is Peace!

Practice Zen (thoughtless) neditation!
When you 'get it', keep practicing.
2012-06-06 5:32 am
Meditation on God. Pray directly to God for a saint with the
power to give "Shaktipat" (Baptize with spirit & fire).
2012-06-06 4:49 am
just lay down and listen to peaceful music like jazz
2012-06-06 4:48 am
Are you stressful because of work? if so, try to put works down for a little bit and do some relexing stuffs. For instance: Go for a trip, travel somewhere...
參考: everyone has stress, just gotta learn to deal with it
2012-06-06 4:48 am
Nowadays with all the economy and and bankruptcy you are not the only one my friend I suggest if there is any day (preferably a weekend) that you are alone sit down meditate images all of your worrys flying away free your mind think about nothing let it drop although the best thing is to do Tai chi (it is a meditation process that you do it is on a VCR and DVD it frees your mind and at the end you will fill brand new freshly born I hope it helps look it up on google

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