English Grammar問題求詳解(20 pts)

2012-06-06 3:50 am
1. Participle

rewrite: ABC is visited by thousands of people, it becomes a must-go shopping attraction
Answer: Visited by thousands of people, ABC becomes a must-go shopping .

問題: Can I use Being visited by ...........
Besides, rewrite Participle 有咩技巧

2.Reporting instructions
Example: Joe reminded Linda to call him the next day.

問題: suggest後面要gerund, 但係呢個情況(Ben suggested Alan....) Alan後個verb要點??+ing??

回答 (2)

2012-06-07 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes, you can.
But, it's more common that "being" is omitted.

As for the skill of rewriting participles,
you just need to know whether the sentences are passive or active..
In writing, it's not very good to rewrite too many sentences to participle phrases.
2.Ben suggested Alan's .......
Example: Ben suggested Alan's giving up smoking.

Participles can be followed by possessive adjectives.

2012-06-07 13:55:20 補充:
There is one more thing you should note:
The subject in the former half of the sentence must be IDENTICAL to that in the latter half.

2012-06-07 13:55:32 補充:
Incorrect: Helping himself to the buffet, the things that Todd quietly thought about food were never to be discussed with anyone.

Here the participial phrase Helping himself to the buffet is not something that the things (the subject of the sentence) is doing.

2012-06-07 13:55:52 補充:
Correct: Helping himself to the buffet, Todd quietly thought things about foodthat were never to be discussed with anyone.
2012-06-07 6:18 pm
(1) No, you cannot.

Being visited by thousands of people, ...
= ABC is being visited by thousands of people, ... (continuous tense)

active voice - change the verb (finite) into its present participle (i.e. v + ing)
passive voice - use the past participle of the verb (i.e. drop the auxiliary verb-to-be)

(2) The verb "suggest" (=propose) is a transitive verb. The object (impersonal) is the idea or plan the speaker proposes to the listener. "suggest" does not take on indirect object (personal).

e.g. Ben thought (that) Alan should call him the next day.

=====> Ben suggested (that) Alan should call him the next day.
Ben suggested Alan's calling him the next day.

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