
2012-06-05 9:43 am
Question: It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. (250 words)

Answer: In my opinions, never give up and hard-working are the main points to become a good sports or musician. Training and teaching are the methods to help the child to become a successful person. Some of my opinions will be illustrated below.

Recently, most of the parents in Hong Kong force their children to learn a different type of the activities such as playing piano, swimming and dancing and so on. This is because parents hope those activities can increase their children’s competitive power and help their child to become a superb person. Actually, this phenomenon is not healthy. Although children nowadays have a lot of talents training, few of them are successful because they put little time to practice what they learn. The reason is all the activity is chosen by their parents and not their own. Thus, children are not interesting those activity and they will easily give up eventually.

Never give up and hard-working are an utterly important factor whether the child can be a brilliant person. In the past, a number of good famous people are very hard-working. Even though they got a lot of challenge from their family, school or friends, they never gave up and tried their best to practice. Edison is one of the good examples to show that child can be taught to become a successful person. He said that genius is one per cent of inspiration and ninety-nine per cent of perspiration. It means genius is largely the result of hard work, rather than an inspired flash of insight.

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