why tell the truth about one cheat, then lie about others?

2012-06-05 3:12 am
My kids dad has been cheating for 4years and told the truth about 2 girls., but two more came forward! Why would he lie about more but come clean about others?

回答 (6)

2012-06-05 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple. He didn't want it to look as bad for him. Two women sound better than four, right? He's a liar, a cheater, and you need to send him packing his belongings before he does it again (if he isn't already). Who is to say there isn't more women than the ones who have approached you about his infidelity? He might be the father of your child, but he isn't worth your time. He risked the possibility of ruining your relationship and his family for sex with other women. That's a man that doesn't know how to keep his genitals in his pants, not a father or husband/boyfriend material.

I wish you the best, and your child.
2016-12-12 3:13 am
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2012-06-05 3:23 am
I have to agree with David he was trying to lessen the blow either way it can not be forgiven. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice...etc. Regardless of the explanation he just proved to you that he can't be trusted and that you deserve someone better trust me the right man for you is out there. Just because he's your baby father does not mean you have to be or stay with him. You deserve honesty and faithfulness all the things you've given to him that he does not reciprocate.
2012-06-05 3:17 am
I understand where he is coming from, in a way. Dont get me wrong cheating is awful. Its like saying "I stole two dollars from your purse" You will be angry, disappointed, and just crushed that he would do that to you, but he thinks it would be better to say that, than to say 'I stole twenty dollars from your purse." He is hoping for a less traumatic outcome if he only tells you half the truth.
2012-06-05 3:15 am
You need a new man to help you, I don't know why he is a cheat!
2012-06-05 3:20 am
Cause he's black.

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