I am 29 and my foreskin doesn't come back when erected..?

2012-06-04 1:33 pm
My problem is that my penis skin does not go back of my forehead.. It stays inside only and i can't do stretching as well as my foreskin is attached to its head and foreskin is some what closed. But I don't have any pain and functions are normal. I only feel that if foreskin goes back, my penis will be little lengthier.. I m unmarried and so I don't know whether I will be having any problem after marriage. Please advise whether I need to do any surgery for this. IF so, what surgery needs to be done. I don't want my foreskin to be circumcised fully.. Just want the head to go in out out.. Please advise..

回答 (4)

2012-06-04 1:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HI Arun: Circumcision of any kind, full or partial is brutally cruel and destructive in nature. It is the last thing you need so please don't look at circumcsion as being a cure for anything.
Many men in their teenage years begin to retract their foreskin, and stretch the skin opening wide enough the foreskin glides back and forth over the rim of the glans.
If you have never done this, it is not too late,....however, you should know that it is not necessary for the foreskin to retract at all.
Whole cultures of men go through their entire happy, healthy, sexually active lives without ever retracting their foreskin. If this was a problem, these cultures would be extinct eons ago.
There is nothing wrong with you that some simple foreskin stretches cannot solve.
You have a naturally tight foreskin, just like every other intact (not circumcised) man on the planet had in their youth.
Over 85% of the males on earth are intact so you are on the winning side. The other 15% are envious and wish they still were intact.
Follow the information in the links below and work the foreskin stretches into the daily shower routine.
Let the warm water loosen and relax the skin before stretching.
Stretches are to be firm, but gentle, with no pain. Pain is a damage indicator. Over stretching till it hurts can create micro tears in the skin opening that will heal over with non elastic scar tissue, making retraction more difficult. No pain,...ever.
What will happen is the Frenar Band (google it) of muscle that closes down the skin opening will relax and expand enough to allow the foreskin to glide effortlessly back and forth over the coronal rim of the glans.
You should see some good results in two weeks, with full and painless retraction in 3-4 months. If it takes longer just keep stretching.
Do not listen to anyone who claims you need to force the skin back to clean under there. Nature has this well in hand. The foreskin/glans combination produce a powerful anti microbial compound called Langerin. Langerin wards off bacteria and keeps this area clean and disease free.....just like you are now. 29 years of not retracting and still free of infections tells you this is working for you.
If you do choose to see a doctor, ask for Betamethasone steroid cream. This is the most common steroid cream prescribed to loosen a tight foreskin. It is never too late to start, so please don't listen to the doctor if they jump right into circumcision as being the cure. It is not,.....as there are always medical and non medical alternatives to this barbaric procedure.
I am in contact with several other men your age who have the exact same situation as you do. I am working with them via e-mail to help them retract. They all know that circumcision is harmful and don't want to submit to that method. I would be glad to work with you and help you get through this.
Please feel free to write to me through the e-mail icon on my profile page.
Go to: www.norm.org and read about the reason and function of the foreskin. You will see how very fortunate you are to still have yours, and how misguided are those who promote circumcision for any reason.
Good luck and I hope this helped.
2012-06-04 1:47 pm
Slowly stretch
2016-05-17 11:39 pm
Boys are born with their foreskin and the head of the penis attached. Untill that detaches the skin won't be able to be pulled back. However Phimosis (tight foreskin) is a different thing. That means the foreskin is detached but too tight to be pulled back. Unfortunatly the longer someone waits to get this taken care of, the harder and longer it takes to fix. It should be taken care of the second it's realised. 1. You shouldn't have sex at all with Phimosis, as the skin can be forced back causing it to tear or get micro tears which was those heal the scar tissue will make the skin tighter. So sex should be avoided untill the problem is fixed. Plus the skin being over the head is going to block your sensitivity. 2. Yes you can do stretching exspercises. I reccomend going to your doctor and getting a steroid cream, since you have waited so long before doing anything it's going to be needed to help speed up the process. Apply the cream as directed. Then 3 times a day (at least) get a full erection then pull the skin as far back as you can WITHOUT pain and hold it there for 5-10 minutes (I reccomend 10, the longer the better). And again do that 3+ times a day at least. -Connor
2012-06-04 1:48 pm
There is small surgery for this consult urologist
參考: Read in magzines

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