
2012-06-04 3:34 am
如題,我希望高手們教下我英文小組討論技巧 (PS.係即埸準備) (我係中三學生)
我本身英文唔錯既 ( 有得返屋企準備既oral presentation/group discussion通常都攞超過70%既分數)
再加上我識既vocab唔太多 (好多都比人地用左,我唔係太想重復)
eg. 唸野從邊一方面開始唸(少D人會考慮到既point), 對答交波既terms(eg比i agree with you 更high class既terms)...etc
希望高手們可以指點下我 thanks

回答 (3)

2012-06-18 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Starting the discussion :
~Are we ready to begin/start?
~Let's start
~Should we begin/start ?
2.Introducing the discussion topic
~Our task today is to consider/decide...
~we need to talk about.....
~the topic we need to discuss is .....
3.Introducing the first suggested point
~First of all,let's talk about ...
~Let's talk about ....first
~how anout discussing ..first?
4.Inviting others to participate
~Does anyone have any ideas?
~what do you think ?
5.Epressing opinins
~i think/feel(that)...
~in my opinion , .....
~i thinkboth ieasar oo
~i suppose yu'r right
7.Asking for clarification
~Sory,do you mean .or...
~Excuse me, can you clarify.

~i feel the same way
~that's a good idea
~ i 'm not sure about that
~i'm sorry,but i can't agree with you
summing up and concluding
~Does anyone want to add anything ?if not,let's sum up or discussion ......
參考: me
2012-06-13 7:01 am
> perhaps you can try to shout out the introductory phrase when the examiner starts the timer, so you can say what you want to say and what you have prepared!

> i adopt the same strategy as MEI KIU
> debate: positive vs. negative
> reason for choosing certain items: compare the thing you chose with the remaining options

I share similar views with you
Yeah, that's what I thought of.
Yeah, you are right.
You are absolutely correct in the sense of ...

I see your point, BUT...
i'm afraid i don't totally agree with you.
*rhetorical questions: But don't you think ...

daily practice:
look at a timer and then just talk for four-five minutes... just say what comes to your mind that seems logical. or you can try doing a individual presentation on group discussion topics from past papers, but the key point is that you give no time for yourself to prepare, just say what comes to your mind.

hope it helps :)
2012-06-10 9:06 am
5用I agree with u
用that seems a good point/idea
I feel the same
That's a good point/idea
that's true
You're right
但要寫到points and 夠points
想d ways 去駁人地ge points , 再說自己idea

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