
2012-06-03 10:01 pm
The company has developed personalised versions of its software for William Shakespeare, James Joyce and Charles Dickens, but this is the first version that emulates the language of a living person. 呢段野點解唔可以用it is the first version??用it唔係可以代表到 personalised versions嫁咩,如果可以點解唔用it要用this??

回答 (3)

2012-06-04 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) The company has developed personalised versions ...

留意 "versions" 是複數,這意味著有幾個版本。

If you want to use personal pronoun to refer to "personalised versions", you must use "they" instead of "it".

(2) but this is the first version that ...

However, "they" does not fit into the meaning of the sentence, because the subject is a singular noun phrase "the first version".

Therefore, the most appropriate pronoun to be used here is the demonstrative "this" or "that" to indicate a particular version, which I believe has been mentioned before this paragraph.
2012-06-10 7:40 am
I don't quite understand what 小草 was talking about.

In short, "this" doesn't refer to "personalised versions" which have never emulated the language of a living person. "this" is something mentioned before this sentence.
2012-06-10 3:35 am
這句子由 personalised versions 轉變成 first version,因此應該用 this。
是用 This 表示 1) 改了題目 2) draw attention

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