Why do people expect every guy to be the same?

2012-06-02 5:14 pm
People say guys are suppose to be sport fanatics (im not), not be emotionally intense/profound (I am), Not careing about how they look in public like weiring clean nice expensive clothes and shoes (I do)....Im the type of guy who likes talking about emotional profound subjects with my gitlfriend then going out to spend money on her and me shopping for anything we want like clothes shoes jewls electronics you name it! I hate going out in hot weather tossing a ball back in forth like im 6 years old I just dont like sports unless im really bored ill shoot a little basketball every now and then & may watch basketball too but I have to be REALLY bored all other sports I just dont like at all & I Hate being dirty btw ....But why is this though doesnt every guy have to be the same no matter what? Why am I and other guys I know of who lead reguler lives so different from how society make guys out to be?

回答 (2)

2012-06-02 5:32 pm
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Generalizations are what separate us all. Gay, straight, male, female, black, white. Just pick one and there is a stereotype. I'm gay but I don't "swish", talk like John Wayne w/ a Brillo pad stuck in his throat, hate Cher and the "Beebs" and the only think pink in my house is when I undercook a pork chop! A t-shirt, Levi's and Timberland's are my "fashion statement". You know why? It's because it's who I am inside. The rest of the planet can sit on it and spin for all I care. Be yourself and forget about what other people, (and I use the term loosely), think.
2012-06-02 5:24 pm
It because there are stereotypes that are made by close minded ignorant people. I'm a guy and I'm not totally into sports (but I do enjoy play them from time to time), and I'm pretty sensitive and emotional. People are individuals, sadly some people just can't except that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:58:35
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