Maths question

2012-06-03 12:52 am
The manager of a factory proposes to increase the salaries of the workers by 10% next year and then a further 20% the following year. THe workers give a counter proposal. They want their salaries to increase by 20% next year and then by 10% the following year. Would the manager accept it?
Please answer the question, thx!

回答 (2)

2012-06-03 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
The manager would NOT accept the workers'counter proposal.

Let $A the original annual salaries of the workers.

Consider the manager's proposal :
Annual salaries of the workers in next year = $A(1 + 10%) = $1.1S
Annual salaries of the workers in the following year = $1.1A(1 + 20%) = $1.32A
Total salaries of the workers in the two years = $(1.1A + 1.32A) = $2.42A

Consider the workers' counter proposal :
Annual salaries of the workers in next year = $A(1 + 20%) = $1.2A
Annual salaries of the workers in the following year = $1.2A(1 + 10%) = $1.32A
Total salaries of the workers in the two years = $(1.2A + 1.32A) = $2.52A

Obviously, the factory will pay more for the workers' counter proposal. Therefore, the manager would not accept it.

2012-06-03 07:46:39 補充:
To 山下智久 :

請留意 "The manager would not accept it." 與 "The manager does not accept it" 的分別。
參考: sioieng
2012-06-03 2:09 am
條問題無話manager點樣先會reject worker個proposal
即使工人個proposal要支付的薪金 多過 manager 個proposal要支付的薪金,可能個manager都會accpet 班workers既要求

2012-06-03 22:24:51 補充:

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