Putting bones in acid.

2012-06-02 11:11 pm
What are the reactions that occur when a bone is put into acid? Textbooks say that acids dissolve the minerals in the bone. I understand the reaction between acid and calcium carbonate, which produces carbon dioxide and water, but what about the reaction between calcium phosphate and acid?

回答 (3)

2012-06-03 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
let's use hydrochloric acid as example

Calcium phosphate + hydrochloric acid --> Calcium chloride + Phosphoric acid
Ca3(PO4)2 + 6HCl --> 3CaCl2 + 2H3PO4

Ask if you have any further questions
參考: 黑白灰_唯物主義者
2012-06-03 8:49 pm
The bone contains inorganic materials mainly calcium carbonate & other mineral complexes . If you use HCl or H2SO4 , there are some insoluble chlorides & sulphates . If you want to dissolve all minerals into soluble salts , using HNO3 or HF .
2012-06-03 5:07 am
which acid?

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