英文 comparitives & superlatives

2012-06-02 11:00 pm
-Of all the world film producers, western film makers use the most modern technology to product special effect.

1)點解係The most modern而唔係the mordernest??

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2012-06-04 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)點解係The most modern而唔係the mordernest??

答: 一般情況,三個音節或以上才用more,most,如:
beautiful, more beautiful than, the most beautiful

但也有些特別的字,雖只有兩個音節,都會用more, most, 如:

patient, more patient than, the most patient
skillful, more skillful than, the most skillful
modern, more modern than, the most modern
careless, more careless than, the most careless
helpful, more helpful than, the most helpful


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