急 eng oral exam

2012-06-02 5:43 am
eng oral exam(debate)
the motion:students should not wear make up to school

回答 (1)

2012-06-02 12:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Make-up helps to improve confidence within a person, hence helping them to mix into the society and make friends. Self-esteem is an important factor for especially teenagers nowadays, it can cause serious mental issues such as aneroxia.
Make- up does not harm or affect student's academic performance in anyways, for example, in Western countries such as Great Britain, United States, students are allowed to wear make-up to school. It's obvious that make-up does not affect our brain activity. The aim of school is for us to study, if make-up have not scientific proved negative effects, then why not?
This also decreases the rate of bullying etc. People are constantly being picked on because they don't look good enough, make-up can fix this problem, then why not give those people a chance to have a better social life? I know this might sound harsh, but it is the truth. We know from all the researches and data that over 85% of students get 'picked on' simply because their physical appearance does not satisfied the society's standards.
Everyone are trying to look the best they could, there's nothing wrong with being trying to look pretty, everyone wants to get accepted. Is this not what the society is telling us these days? The 'propaganda' of media, us, human beings in this modern world are highly influenced by the view the media is giving to us. Everyone deserves a chance to look good, to be accepted.
You might argue, school is a place for education, and education only. But that is in fact very wrong, school is like a smaller scale of the society, is a place to get us prepared for the real world. Social life plays a huge role during the school years. Wearing make-up is a part of the school life. Different people will always hold different views, but these harmless and in fact very useful products should hold nothing against the meaning of school. If you disapprove the view of wearing make-up then don't wear it, why try to stop others who are trying to improve themselves.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:43:03
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