F.3 MATHS (1 question)

2012-06-02 2:07 am
Cosider the 3 points A(0,3) ,B(-1,0) ,C(9,0).Triangle ABC is a right-angled triangle.

If P(x,y)lies on triangle ABC such that AP=BP=CP,find the coordinates of P.

回答 (4)

2012-06-02 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
恕我冒昧,我不知道為甚麼要provide ABC is a right-angled triangle,所以,希望其他高手提供alternative method
AP = sq rt [(x-0)^2 + (y-3)^2] = sq rt (x^2 + y^2 -6y + 9)
BP = sq rt [(-1-x)^2 + y^2] = sq rt (1 + 2x + x^2 + y^2)
CP = sq rt [(9-x)^2 + y^2] = sq rt (81 - 18x + x^2 + y^2)
-6y+9 = 1 + 2x
2x + 6y = 8
x + 3y = 4...(1)

1+2x = 81 -18x
x = 4

Sub x = 4 into (1),we get y = 0
Thus,the cooordinates of P are (4,0)

2012-06-01 21:31:45 補充:
Sub x = 4 into (1),
4 + 3y = 4
y = 0
so,we get y = 0
2012-06-02 11:02 pm
TO 。文。
2012-06-02 6:01 am
right-angled triangle 的確係有幫助架!!

let P,Q be two points on a circle,if centre O lies on PQ
ie, PQ is the diameter, then ∠PRQ is a right angle,
where R is another point on the circle
ie, ΔPQR is right-angled triangle

1. OP,OQ,OR have the same length (radii)
2. PQ, the diameter, is the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle

ΔABC is right-angled triangle, sketch it out,
BC is hypotenuse obviously.

according to the mentioned properties of circle
we can draw a circle passing through all the points A, B, C,
and the centre of such circle should be the mid point of BC
(since BC is the hypotenuse, ie, the diameter)

the centre is a point equidistant from A, B and C
so the required point P is the mid point of BC
since both B, C lies on the line y=0 (the x-axis)
y coordinate of P will also be 0

2012-06-01 22:07:17 補充:
x-coordinate of P = (9+(-1))/2 = 4

你用返Ans001 個方法最安全(噓!! 你要知道...大部分學校老師都是忌才的...)
你睇下當消磨下時間啦......( /_>\ )

2012-06-01 22:14:08 補充:
y=0 是算出來的,不是絕對的

2012-06-02 12:09:26 補充:
記唔記得circumcentre of triangle?
circumcentre of a triangle is a point with equal distance from the vertices
circumcentre係三條邊的perpendicular bisectors的intersection

obviously, perpendicular bisector of BC is x=4
find the remaining perpendicular bisectors' eqt. and sub x =4
we get y=0
2012-06-02 2:13 am

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