i'm 17 trying to move away, the rest of my family is moving away so its complicated?

2012-05-31 4:56 pm
i'm 17 years old and i live in a small town in SD. My family is moving to Maine, but i didn't want to go. and theres a girl i really care about who lives a few hundred miles away, i want to move to that town but i have almost no money and no relitives that live there. i will be 18 in 6 months but thats too long, my family will be gone by then and my friend really needs me.. her life is falling apart and i want to help, its complicated and i really need help! I'm hurt because i feel useless.. i'm willing to work, but have no car. i don't know if i can get a loan under 18, i just finished my Junior year and am on summer break, and want to finish my Senior year there and start college.. my parents have little money too so i can't rely on them. i need help and advise, i'm desperate.. this is how i want to get my life started, but idk what to do first.. please help me it means so much for any help possable

theres no issues with my education, i have plans to finish highschool and college while i'm there but my real issue is simply moving there. i'm serious about this and i refuse to go to Maine.

回答 (4)

2012-06-01 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Where in maine are you moving to? Im 17 and i just moved to maine too! from florida.
i also didn't want to move to maine, b/c i had to leave florida which was my life. all my friends were there and that's where i grew up.
my BFF also needed me. her parents were getting a divorce and her home life was not the greatest. so i felt like a bad friend leaving her. but i cam to realization that my family especially my younger sisters needed me.
But my friend and i SKYPE like 3 times a week and then like EVERY saturday night. and we text a lot. if you have an ipod or iphone i advise you into getting the TEXT NOW app, which is free, and it allows you to text any cell phone, or ipod (they dont need the app) for FREE. so my friend and i do that, b/c its cheaper than texting phone to phone
so the advanceses in technology ahs really made it quite easy to keep in touch. :)

I moved to a small town in maine the total population is 600 and the high school which is composed of 4 seperate towns only has 104 kids! so it kinda sucks here b/c there are liike now jobs and not much to do. But is you are moving to one of the bigger cities like Bangor or Portland then you would have alot more to do and a higher chance of finding a job, where you can get money.

And!!!! since you are already on summer break, i would ask your parents if you could stay in SD until the end of summer, maybe come back 2 weeks before school starts (so you can get use to the town and meet new people). So like if the let you stay in SD for the summer (i dont see why there is a problem) you can hang out with you special 'girl' some more and get use to the fact that you are moving........ and
if you do get a job, you could save up and maybe go back to SD for Winter break and Spring Break so i mean if you do go back for these breaks you wouldnt really be apart that much, considering how long yo could be away for.

but yeah i PRAY that you are not moving to one of these small farm outback towns like i did -.-...... but to one of those bigger cities. so good luck
best of wishes! :P
參考: in same boat as you. :/
2016-07-13 6:20 pm
What you must do is be supportive. I might no longer recommend pushing the trouble; finally, he desires to be at ease and able to talk. What you can do is just say something alongside the traces of, "you know, you're my brother, and whilst we could now not always get along, i'm going to at all times have your again. If there may be ever some thing you need to speak about, i am right here for you." after which leave it at that. If he needs to speak, he'll come to you. It seems like you might have a lovely accepting loved ones, so he is just not too reluctant to come back out if he is gay. His hesitation, if he is, may just without problems be that he isn't wholly sure himself and remains to be figuring all of it out. As long as he knows that you just and your household are there to aid him regardless if he's homosexual or not, you are set. Don't put him into a corner he could no longer be equipped to move to only yet. He'll admire (despite the fact that he doesn't say it) your support, and it is going to reaffirm for him a belief that, if he is homosexual, he can come to his older brother for aid, recommendation, and aid.
2012-05-31 5:03 pm
Don't do crazy things. Move to Maine with your family
2012-05-31 5:02 pm
First you've got to get your priorities straight. Finishing high school and going to college should be priority #1. If that requires you to stay with your family, so be it. Not getting an education might be the easiest option now but in the long-term I promise you will regret it.

If you can continue your education then help your friend. Get a job as soon as you get there. But make sure your parents will welcome you back if things fall to pieces. Always make sure you have that safety net.

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