f.4 physics

2012-06-01 5:55 am
a block remains at rest on an inclined plane at θ=0 . then the inclination angle θ is
increased until the block just starts to move.

the answer said that the net force on the block is zero.

佢吾係會有個mgsin θ ge向下的力....同friction向上咩??
佢又知佢一定係uniform velocity??

2. a block is projected upwards on a rough inclined plane and then falls back to the starting point. draw a velocity time graph. plz explain the graph:) THX

回答 (3)

2012-06-01 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The block is initial at rest. When the angle of inclination is gradually increased from zero, the weight component mg.sin(θ) is balanced by the frictional force, which acts opposite to the the weight component. As the angle of inclination θ is further increased, the frictional force increases accordingly unitl the maximum frictional force is reached. After which, further increase of θ would cause the block to slide downward.

Therefore, before the maximim friction is reached, the net force acting on the block is zero.

2. If we take the upward direction as +ve, then the acceleration of the block is -ve (i.e. pointing downward along the slope) for both upward and downward journeys.

The motion follows the equation: v = u - at
where u is the projection velocity of the block, t is the time

The velocity-time graph is thus a straight line with slope -a, y-intercept at y = u and x-intercept at t = u/a

The graph shows that the velocity of the block decreases linearly with time until zero at the highest point. This occurs at t = u/a. After then, the block slides down with velocity increases linearly with time.
2012-06-02 5:02 am
1. The angle increases until the x-component of the weight of the block (mgsinθ) is large enough to just cancel out the friction.

2. If you take upward as positive, the graph would first look like a steep negative slope, when it touches the x-axis, it should be a less steep negative slope.
2012-06-01 7:19 am
1.θ 是傾斜平面跟水平線之間形成的角度
所以,根據Newton's 1st law,net force = 0時,物體有2種情況
當Wsinθ = friction時,net force = 0,因此物體以均速向下滑

2012-05-31 23:21:46 補充:
上面的W 是 W = mg中的W

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