House work between a married couple should it be 50/50?

2012-05-30 10:07 pm
Me and my husband both work a full time jobs and i do 90% of the house work is this normal? I ask and even SOMETIMES complain and nothing changes is this common in most marriages?

回答 (12)

2012-05-30 10:20 pm
Yes , the wife should be trimming 1/2 the trees , cleaning 1/2 the second story rain gutters, snaking 1/2 the shyt filled drains , fixing 1/2 the roof leaks in the pouring rain , doing 1/2 of the plumbing and electrical repairs and 1/2 the tune ups and oil changes on the cars .

But they never do ,,,, do they ?
參考: Even when you teach her how to start the chainsaw while 25 feet up in the poplar tree she just won't do her share !
2012-05-30 10:10 pm
Cut down to one ninth of what you're doing now and it's even.
2012-05-31 5:49 am
It is common but not fair. Men for some reason don't feel they need to do housework. I saw an article online a few years ago about a study that showed that husbands who do housework get more sex than those who don't. I printed it out and hung it in our house where he'd see it, and I suggest you Google it and do the same. I will compromise on this issue--when my husband had a job that paid considerably more than I did and required him to work longer hours, I agreed that I would do most of the housework. But if you're working the same hours and earning the same, he should do half.
2012-05-31 2:36 am
There are many things to consider, including those listed on other posts concerning outside the house work (repairs, yard work, etc). Also some people are very particular when it comes to house work, i.e, clothes have to be folded a certain way, food has to be seasoned a certain way, etc. If you are demanding things be done a certain way, which may be different from the way your husband would do them, he may just defer to you in those areas so that you don't fuss about having to go over his housework again. It seems though that there are certain (specific) chores that you want him to do that he isn't, and that is upsetting you. For instance, you may cook dinner, but you want HIM to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen, and assuming he doesn't, it makes you very mad.
2012-05-30 10:24 pm
The dispensation of housework is decided by the partners and not the state, yahoo or society. His mother might be a silent partner. There is a difference between him demanding you do it and you wanting it done so when he will not you do. Have you tried just doing what you think is fair and letting the rest go? Are your standards much higher than his? My men have always been neatfreaks so more often they cleaned up after me.
2012-05-30 10:24 pm
Over almost 25 years the amount of housework we do has changed as circumstances have changed. When we were first married he did most of the housework and cooking as I worked two jobs, he was in school and we lived in an apartment.

I would ask - does your husband do any maintenance (house or cars?), fixing things, yard work, etc. that you do not do? That would influence my answer.

Even when we're both working full time I do the bulk of the housework as he does a lot of repair and maintenance. He is not at all lazy and we both do a lot of work. The kids do the yard work.
2012-05-30 10:22 pm he moving the yard,,,trimming the bushes,,,repairing the roof,,,tending the garden...changing oil in the cars...etc...outside work...If you are helping with the outside work...then yes he should help with the inside work...equal...however, if he is doing ALL the outside work and you are not...then it would appear that it is already equal.
2012-05-30 10:20 pm
It may be common but that doesn't make it fair.. he is a big boy and fully capable of taking care of himself.. remind him that you married him so that you could be a team and tackle life together, not so that you could mother him or be his slave.. if he doesn't get the hint then stop doing his laundry, making him lunch, etc.. let him fend for himself for a change.. there is no room for selfishness in a relationship, especially a marriage..
2012-05-30 10:18 pm
Hi, so y'all both work full time jobs so if y'all's job is the same intensity then yes, housework should be 50/50 and before anyone gets upset at me saying that here is my reason for saying that. Say he is a construction worker or does very stressful and physically demanding work and you sit behind a desk and type or something like that. Yes y'all would both work the same hours and both of y'all work hard but, you have to admit one would be harder than the other. Now, without knowing y'all's jobs or anything like that you must realize that he is a man. If you complain or nag (Not saying you do but, I do not know y'all) he is going to shut off and not listen. Sit down with him and have a nice, calm discussion about it without any kind of yelling and if an argument begins to start both of y'all need to get back to being calm before y'all continue. Just talk to him. He is your husband and communication is key in any relationship.
2012-05-30 10:18 pm
It should be whatever you're comfortable with. If both work, obviously both need to share the load...♥♥
2012-05-30 10:09 pm
I think this is very common in marriages. I think there is still a lot of the 50's mentality out there. That being said, in those days it made more sense since most women didn't work and they cleaned the house while the kids were at school.

You're probably right that it should be 50/50 especially if you're working the same amount.
2012-05-30 10:09 pm
That's not fair.

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