What does this phrase mean?

2012-05-31 3:14 am
What does "In case you're wondering/interested" mean?I often see this phrase in some blogs and postsThe phrase is usually used in this way:In case you're wondering/interested + relative clause (what/ which/ how/ whether ...) + , + answerExample:In case you're wondering which country we're going to travel, Japan.Just in case you're interested why I named my cat Chris, it's simply because I found it catchy.According to the Cambridge Dictionaries Online, "in case" is defined as follows:(just) in case› because something might happen, or might have happened:I don't think that it's going to rain, but I'll bring a raincoat just in case.However, I find the definition doesn't fit the sentences.Apart from asking what it means, I would like to know if "in case" can be replaced by "if".Thanks in advance!

Is "In case you're wondering..." same to "If you want to know..."?


To hka****** , I know it's translated from Google Translate.

回答 (3)

2012-05-31 6:49 am
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In case 的意思

'In case' means 'because it is possible (that something will happen)...'. We use 'in case' to talk about precautions, the things that we do in advance in order to be safe.
'In case' 的中文是解「以防」, 我們用'in case' 當我們想說某件事有可能發生而我們想預防這件事的發生.

For example: I don't want to go out in case my boyfriend calls. This means it is possible that my boyfriend will call so I don't want to go out.
例如: 我不想外出, 以防我的男朋友打來. 因為我的男朋友可能會打來, 我不想外出以免我接不到他的電話.

Just in case 的意思

'Just in case' has the same meaning as 'in case' but we use it to talk about a smaller possibility.
'Just in case' 的意思跟'in case' 一樣但指更小的可能.

In case 和 if

'In case' does not mean the same as 'if'. We use 'in case' to say why someone does or does not do something. For example, we say: We will buy some more food in case Peter comes. It means perhaps Peter will come so we will buy some food now and whether he comes or not, we will have the food if he comes. But if we use 'if' in this sentence like this: We will buy some more food if Peter comes. It means if Peter comes, we will buy some food; if he does not come, we will not buy any food.
'以防' 與 '如果' 意思不同. 我們用 'in case' 來說明為什么某人做或不做某件事. 例如, 我們話「我們會買些食物以防Peter來」. 意思是指Peter 有可能會來所以我會預先買一些食物, 當他一來我們便會有食物給他(即使他不來我們都會買). 如果用'if' 的話, Peter 來才買食物, 他不來我們就可以不買.


1. In case you are wondering 的意思: 以防你不知道...
In case you are wondering which country we're going to travel, Japan. 當你說這句話就像是囗語裡的「驚你吾知我地衣家要去邊旅行, 話你啦, 我地會去日本玩」意思.

2. Just in case you are interested 的意思:你有可能有興趣...
Just in case you are interested why I named my cat Chris, it's simply because I found it catchy. 當你說這句話就像是囗語裡的「你有可能有興趣知點解我叫我隻貓做Chris, 好簡單姐, 因為我覺得咁好易記囉」意思.

3. 'In case you are wondering...' 意思是「以防你不知道」, 但'If you want to know...' 意思是「如果你想知的話」. 第一句是帶有「驚你吾知, 我話定你知啦」的語氣, 而後者則帶有「如果你想知嫁話, 我可以話俾你知」的語氣. 所以有些少分別.

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參考: 用左好多心機答嫁TT
2012-05-31 3:36 am










2012-05-31 3:32 am
In case /just in case similar to
中文字: 假設.

英文同樣. If you use the word "if", the sentence should be "If you're wondering which country we're going to travel, I can tell you that is Japan.

Hope I can help u^^

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