不加when 對句子意思有影響嗎?

2012-05-31 1:42 am
不加when 對句子意思有影響嗎? When I took the washing out of the machine it looked dirtier than when it went in.When I took the washing out of the machine it looked dirtier than it went in.

回答 (2)

2012-05-31 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) it looked versus it was (看起來 vs 實際)

When I took the washing out of the machine, it looked dirtier than it was before.
("it" refers to "the washing"; before = before it was washed)

(2) it was after versus it was before

After I took the washing out of the machine, it was dirtier than (it was) before.

(3) compare between "how it looked when it went out" and "how it looked when it went in" (I'm not sure if people will say in this way.... the washing went in???)

When the washing went out of the machine, it looked dirtier than (it looked) when it went in.

In this case, you must put a "when" after "than". Anyway, I will certainly not write the sentence in such a problematic way as you do.

2012-05-31 12:10:49 補充:
Playing around words won't make you look cleverer.
2012-05-31 3:56 am
I think these two sentences are different, in meaning.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:42:55
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