
2012-05-30 8:52 pm
There are few grander public squares in Europe than Madrid’s Plaza Mayor, watched over on three sides by uniformly ochre-hued apartments with wrought-iron balconies

我想問watched over點解要加ed 同埋成句個意思係咩 特別係個by字.

burnings at the stake and deaths by garrotte took place on the north side of the square, hangings to the south.
睇唔明hangings to the south 究竟呢句點解?

Some plazas are the city’s great crossroads, transient, restless places where all of the city, and much of the world comes to play.呢句都係睇唔明

回答 (3)

2012-06-04 6:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are few grander public squares in Europe than Madrid’s Plaza Mayor, watched over on three sides by uniformly ochre-hued apartments with wrought-iron balconies

我想問watched over點解要加ed 同埋成句個意思係咩 特別係個by字.
呢度watched係被動式,Plaza Major俾D apartments三面watched(望)住。

burnings at the stake and deaths by garrotte took place on the north side of the square, hangings to the south.
睇唔明hangings to the south 究竟呢句點解?
burnings at the stake(燒死), deaths by garrotte(絞刑)都係死刑方式,喺北面(north)執行,hangings(吊刑)就喺南面(south)做。

Some plazas are the city’s great crossroads, transient, restless places where all of the city, and much of the world comes to play.呢句都係睇唔明
2012-06-01 5:29 am
Solutions to the Difficult Eng,question:-
(1)There are few grandeur public squares in Europe than Madrid's Plaza Mayor,Watched over on 3 sides , by uniformly orchard-hued apartments with wrought-iron balconies.
----watched=when you've watched=present perfect tense,ellipsed,meaning:- In europe,very few public squares are as (grandeur) as that of "Plaza Mayor in Madrids". When you are watching about and around the 3 sides of uniformly orchard-coloured apartments with wrought-iron balconies,it will be an awe-inspiring,impressive sight.

(2)hangings to the south=corpses bodies executed were exhibited in the south.
-----Ancient time have got prisoners of burning and wrenching to be executed at north of square,while the corpses bodies were exhibited by hanging to the South.

(3)All cities and events extending to much world-activities=some plazas are the city's great crossroads venues with transient position and restless standings,where all of the city were even extending to much world-activities and prestige which will be showing off to that level.
2012-05-31 9:14 pm
watched是when you have watched 的省略寫法.全句的意思是:



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