2012-05-30 12:02 am

回答 (14)

2012-05-30 12:50 am
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Aquarius would definitely requlifiy to this Ay-lot, they dont really like conventions since their thrive on creativity is at an EXTREME and its easy for them to pick up on ideas out of thin air since their mind process is so rapid, they also tend to take on a different mind pattern than everyone else(this has to do with their ruler planet Uranus which rotates in a opposite direction and is the rebel planet) which is why people find them to be oddballs and their fixed signs so it what make them alot more stubborn and entitled to their opinions if they believe it fits, Aquarius loves to take on the status quo
參考: Aquarius
2012-05-30 12:06 am
Pisces are too creative to follow others, I vote Pisces.
2012-05-30 5:10 am
xD I am like this and I'm not an Aquarius!!! My Aquarius Sun/Moon/Mercury cousin and tends to go with the flow. Yet I'm a Leo and I live being the original one. I'm too prideful to wear and be the same as everyone else.
The most original people that go against the flow are Scorpio,Leo and Sagittarius from my experience.
2012-05-30 12:53 am
I would say Pisces and Aquarius. Aquarius is the master of originality and the unusual. Pisces has a great imagination which makes them creative..
2012-05-30 12:31 am
I would say Pisces or Aquarius. I'm a Pisces an I follow no code. As for aquarius, there unique an different to begin with so there's no real argument there.
參考: Pisces
2012-05-30 1:48 am
aqua is supposed to be like that, but the aquas i know are not like that at all, i dont understand how zodiacs base their "originality" but definetely is not on what u mean. By what u say, ive seen lots of Taurus like the most zodiac sign like that, (they pretty "original" to me meaning they dont do what others do to be relevant, and they thruly dont give a sht to a thing). Tauruses I know do what they want and live pretty good on their lives. . Even more than scorpios or other fixed. I mean i thjink its the combination of fixed + earth . . Dont u think?
2012-05-30 12:43 am
I'd say Leo or Scorpio

Both of these signs are too prideful, to go with the flow, both of them attract attention. Both too stubborn, but their ego takes a huge part of it.
參考: Experience
2012-05-30 12:05 am
Any of them, as long as they do not dictate their lives by zodiac
2012-05-30 10:16 am
VIRGO! we always do our own thing.
2016-02-21 2:09 pm
Earth and water signs are meant for each other. Capricorn: Best: Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, and Cancer. Scorpio: Best: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, and Virgo. Earth + Water = Mud. Water and earth signs work really well together.

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