F.1 Geography~急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-05-30 5:42 am
-actual length
-compass point
-whole-circle bearing
(左下角-church,右下角-fire station,左上角clinic,右上角hospital((圖吾夠可到網址看)))


-calculate the actual length,show your steps(麻煩中文步驟,簡單D)
1. footpath
2. A road from Point X to Point Y
-compass point
1. From the hospital to the church
2. From the clinic to the hospital
3. From the police station to the fire station
-whole-circle bearing
1. From the hospital to the church
2. From the clinic to the hospital
3. From the police station to the fire station

1cm:5000cm點解? ' : '是解=嗎? 1cm甚麼5000cm ?~~

回答 (3)

2012-05-30 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
以下是怎樣計出來的呢?1.Actual length Mapdistance = 1 Actualdistance actual scale坊間有不少書都會將Actual distance做”分子”,相對的,1就要放係下面, 做”分母”~!我係唔鐘意咁背既~!我喜歡以上的~!In this case, Scale: 1:5000, 即1cm:5000cm (你係Map度到既Distance) = 1 Actualdistance(你可以let做unknown) 5000*(你係Map度到既Distance)乘5000=ANS
2.Compass point即係NW,NE, 東北, 西北個D~
3.Whole-circle bearing
先畫十字,(看到圖知你識畫),由North開始睇, 一路到你的目的地例:27°,90°, 360°(最大360°)沒有任何方位只是數字<-咩意思?*Reduced bearing: N27°E, S90°W<-有方位, 最大90°,一係由N睇,一係由S睇. 張圖都幾~模糊~!!@0@(左下角-church,右下角-fire station,左上角clinic,右上角hospital)同學= =, 沒有實物, 好難幫你計到準確的答案~你一定要自己度~!!請依照我的方法, 你應該可以計到~!A.Calculate the actual length,show your steps(麻煩中文步驟,簡單D)請準備間尺, 鉛筆~ 中文步驟?你是想要中文解釋嗎?*提一提你, 下次做Map唔好再用原子筆, 用鉛芯筆, 做完一題擦~!
1. Footpath圖中虛線的地方就是footpath, 先用間尺度下它的長度~!用我上面教你的方法, *(你係Map度到既Distance)乘5000=ANS
2. Aroad from Point X to Point Y先把X和Y相連, 再用間尺度, 再計.*(你係Map度到既Distance)乘5000=ANS*提一提你, 要寫埋我比你的, 像分數個個式, 先叫做完整步驟~!

B.Compass point
1. Fromthe hospital to the church由hospital看Ans:SW
2. Fromthe clinic to the hospital由clinic的十字睇Ans:NE
3. Fromthe police station to the fire stationAns:SW
C.Whole-circle bearing請準備量角器, 間尺, 鉛芯筆
1. Fromthe hospital to the church先在hospital和church各畫一個十字, 當然寫上NESW,把這2個地方相連要找的是從hospital望去church的bearing(whole circle)在hospital的十字睇, 從North去到與church相連的線, 有多少度?咁你就從north開始度(其實唔洗, 這題你已知有180°, 只度超過180°那部分即可)*ANS會在180°-270°之間, 我幫唔到你, 你要自己度~!
2. Fromthe clinic to the hospital在CLINIC的十字睇,*ANS不會超過90°
3. Fromthe police station to the fire station在police station的十字睇,*ANS會在180°-270°之間

2012-05-30 00:56:40 補充:
Map distance
Actual distance

2012-05-31 00:01:44 補充:
即係你在地圖上度到的1CM, 實際上有5000CM咁多
1CM:5000CM 同 1CM=5000CM 的意思是差不多, 但用了冒號的原因是
":"是比例. 如果用了等號, 就會好怪, 因為1CM實際上不是真的等如5000CM,
而是比例上~ 所以1CM代表在MAP上的1CM, 而5000CM是現實個個地方的長度~!
參考: ME~!
2015-10-18 5:51 am
其實我都唔識做,加上老師又未教,睇GEO Textbook 嘅教程(即步驟)做住先XD,做錯咗老師應該會教翻掛XD
2012-06-01 9:39 am
-actual length
-compass point
-whole-circle bearing

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