something about tense

2012-05-30 12:00 am
Please help me to find the correct answer and explain

1.they left early so they _________ should be or might be in time.

2. i shall drink a bottle of milk while i _____________have or am having a rest.

3.i hope he ______________ can be or could be a teacher.

4. we wish the policeman ______________ to catch or catching the thief.

5. the mother watched the baby ____ to play or play in the bed.

6. we wish that we _______________ could pass or can pass the exam.

7. the thief begged the judge _______ to forgive or forgiving him.

回答 (2)

2012-05-30 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Learn the participle ending in ---ing or ---ed of the verb as an adjective as past participle, present participle.
(1) might---uncertain principle
(2)having a rest------participle
(3)could be----------uncertain principle
(5)to play------------not gerund
(7)beg to forgive by the judge.
參考: google website
2012-05-30 9:29 pm
1. should be 因為they left early

3. Both should be ok.
I hope he can... 有機會
I hope he could 機會很微

4. to catch
5. play 在 watch 後面是 bare infinitive 或 gerund

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