
2012-05-29 5:19 pm
我想問英文點講 1 這裡是不是請人?

回答 (3)

2012-05-29 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To the bakery,
(1) employ me?
(2) working in cooked baked,
(3)to be of services in your business.

2012-05-29 13:03:29 補充:
(2) cooked food department.

2012-05-29 15:17:13 補充:
Bakery is a place where bread and cakes are baked,or a shop where bread and cakes are sold.
參考: google website, google website, google website
2012-05-30 4:49 pm
1. I guess more common for the first question would be "Are you guys hiring?"

2.I don't quite get the second one. You are applying a job at a bakery, do they have "raw food department"? or do you mean something else?

3. It would be "My expectation for the new job is ....."
2012-05-29 6:22 pm
1 here is not to please people?
2I should be employed cooked Ministry.
3 new workers look forward to

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