
2012-05-29 4:07 pm
I am currently studying overseas and lives in the school hostel/Residence.

I have problems with removing the soapy smell from my undergarments. I have twisted the bra at least 5 times and still have bubbles.

Is there a way to remove most of the soap?

Solution in basin:(dettol 1 cap portion, little[10ml] Vanish liquid, didn't put softener, MarkNSpencer delicate detergent[30ml] )

回答 (1)

2012-05-31 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is because your detergent is a high foam cleaner , you have to change to a moderate sud cleaner so after rinsing , most of the cleaner is easily washed away . You should not use Dettol & Vanish together since both of them are disinfectants but working in different ways , maybe they react in some way to form something very difficult to wash away . If you want to clean your clothes , simply use detergent , then after rinsing you can use Dettol or Vanish to disinfect your bra . I suspect the problem maybe coming from your mixing of different chemicals .

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:43:22
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