
2012-05-30 5:28 am


英文該如何說呢 ?

回答 (7)

2012-05-30 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

May I know how much you are planning to spend?

What price range are you looking for?

May I please know what your budget is?


2012-05-30 19:07:06 補充:
Princess, Who do you think the buyer is? Ferdinand Marcos? The Philippines had just about the worst economy in the Asian countries, her people had to work slave labor abroad because there're no jobs available at home.
參考: jim
2012-06-08 11:24 pm
How much money do you budget
2012-05-31 12:17 am
What is your budget for how much money
2012-05-30 5:29 pm
Indeed, very true taboo for good sales woman. How can you sell a brooklyn bridge if you asked about the "budget" first?

Dude, stop being a tight wad, spend away like there is no tomorrow. Don't bother with the flowers - only diamond is a true friend of your girl.

2012-05-30 20:21:39 補充:
But the little princess is merely wishing for a little diamond ring! A little one, say, 30 gram one will do.
2012-05-30 10:10 am
To each and every 89 fish named Jenny, I don't thinks there should be any budget set on buying flowers to a lady like you!

2012-05-30 08:56:25 補充:
ok, here are the things I'll say to the customer:

don't bother with price at the beginning.
introduce the most expensive floral arrangement first
if he complaint too expensive, introduce the one which is 20% cheaper
repeat until you close the deal
2012-05-30 8:17 am
What's your budget (for it/this)?
2012-05-30 5:40 am
To Filipino friends:-
(1)How much have you allowed for--(a bundle of flowers?)
-----budgeted for--(a bundle of flowers?)
-----planned for spending for---(a bundle of flowers?)
(2)Don't spend more than your budget allows!!!!!!!My dear Filipino friends.
參考: google website

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