請幫我修改些作文!!thx ~~~10點

2012-05-28 8:02 pm
02 Wehoped it was a costume party. Toby and I longed for the release fromthe cannibals, we were locked inahigh secure cage, when we heard some carols outsidebecause it was Christmas time. We thought therewas a carnival. Wefelt insecure as we knew that once the carol was over, we might becometheir delicious feast on the table. There was a carpenter outside the gate, and hewas trying to build a bonfire. When he looked up into the cage, hegave us a casual wave and turned around to sharpen hisshiny tool . We knew that the weapons were used to carve somethinginteresting for him, and hopefully, not us 除了修改我的英文作文外,我想知道我有那些地方用法錯了 thx ~~~

回答 (1)

2012-05-31 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
02 We hopedit was a costume party.Toby and I longed for the release from the cannibals, (you haven’t explained what/who are the cannibals…Readers won’tunderstand what you are trying to say…)we were locked in a hung-up (你想說被吊起的吧!)and secured (secure is a verb, we need an adj. now J ) cage. (點解會locked up? 同longed for the release from the Cannibals 有甚麼關係??)It was at Christmas day then, when we heard some Christmas carols, we thought there was a lion/tiger! (Carnivore係統稱, 指一切食肉獸,likeherbivore or omnivore, wrong usage) (仲有我想問點解聽到聖誕歌會聯想到食肉獸。。。=,=) We felt insecure as we knew that once the caroling services was over, wemight become their delicious feast on the table. (你肯定食肉獸係在table上食dinner??)There was a carpenter outside thegate, and he was trying to set up a bonfire. When he looked up to the cage, he gave us a casual wave and turned back to sharpen his shiny knife. (tool 好空泛,what tool?) We knew that 他和knife was used to kill (carve 指 art 果D 雕刻 lo…) animals that were interesting to him. Hopefully, thiswould not include us.D 英文不是差得會令人吐血身亡,到最尾終於看得懂一點點。。。但你要看多點書啊~~ +油+油!! :D

2012-05-30 19:48:19 補充:
sorry, a mistake,
We knew that 他和knife was used to kill
他和 should be "the"
therefore, the sentance should be
We knew that the knife was used to kill
參考: myself ~, :)

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