
2012-05-28 6:05 pm
我現在在美國,並計劃前往上海; 能直接用港澳通行證嗎?
我之前從美國到香港用 HK ID 然後 到中國時用港澳通行證是沒問題的

回答 (3)

2012-05-29 3:37 am
香港居民從海外抵達中國的口岸時, 可以用港澳通行證進入中國國境。
但是當你離開美國時, 航空公司要檢查你的有效旅遊證件, 香港居民的旅遊證件是BNO 或香港特區護照 , 其他國家公民要有有效的該國護照。
有很多持有美國護照的香港人, 以為用美國護照出入境美國, 用香港 ID 入境香港很方便, 其實不是一個好方法。因為現在過境手續全部電腦化, 當你離開美國時, 你的護照資料已經存進美國移民局的電腦, 但你用香港 ID 進入香港或用港澳通行證進入中國大陸, 在你的美國護照上是沒有記錄的。 由於美國的反恐政策, 即是表示 你離開美國後, 不知去過那裏 , 可能是去過美國政府不喜歡公民去的地方。
所以如果你持有美國護照 ,你最好在美國申請中國簽證進入中國。 用美國護照進入香港是有免簽證期限的, 但會在你的美國護照有入境香港的記錄,在美國護照上有清楚的,確定的在其他地方進出境的記錄就比較好。

2012-05-29 12:15:24 補充:
美國本來就係一個移民國家,美國並不是一個承認雙重國籍的國家, 但大把人有兩個或多個國家護照。
美國並不禁止國民保有其他國家國籍。 雖然新移民在宣誓入籍時有宣布放棄其他國家的國籍, 但我親耳聽到官員對所有一齊宣誓的人說他們可以保持自己原籍的護照, 尤其是在有劫機危險時可以出示外國護照保住自己條命仔。

2012-05-29 18:43:41 補充:
本人不會再和沒有參考來源, 沒有實際知識的人繼續辯論。
2012-05-28 6:43 pm
In theory, you can use Home Return Permit to enter Mainland China directly from the U.S.

The issue is how you can get out.

HKSAR and BN(O) Passport are not eligible under Visa Waiver Program. So you must have a valid document, like a visa or Permanent Resident Card, to convince you are eligible to re-enter the U.S.

China does not recognize dual nationalities (which this is especially true in the Mainland). So you can't mix U.S. Passport with the Home Return Permit to leave China (as Home Return Permit is only eligible for Hong Kong and Macau residents which are also Chinese citizens).

2012-05-29 06:24:55 補充:
What Peony126 is totally ridculous.

1. Depending on how the tickets are booked, CBP does know where you have been, even there is no stamp.

2. CBP requires that all people entering the U.S. must report the countries visited prior. Lying to CBP is in fact a federal offense.

2012-05-29 06:27:47 補充:
3. It is absolutely not uncommon that U.S. Citizens hold more than one passport other than U.S. Passport.

2012-05-29 17:43:04 補充:
1. As you have mentioned - basically, there is no law specifying the U.S. recognize multiple nationalities or not. So you can't really say the U.S. does not recognize multiple nationalities.

However, through court cases and law, some acts may constitute impact to the U.S. citizenship.

2012-05-29 17:44:32 補充:
2. Don't ever listen what officials tell you - as it may not be the truth after all.

For example - a Chinese citizen (Mainland) will actually lose Chinese citizenship after naturalizing to the U.S.
2012-05-28 6:21 pm



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