10=a(-1)(-1)+b(-1), 0=16a + 4b?

2012-05-27 3:03 pm
I got to the step 10=a+b and 0=16a+4b but now im stuck HELP!

回答 (3)

2012-05-27 3:12 pm
let a=10+b
Substitute a=10+b into 16a + 4b=0

So 16(10+b)+4b=0

you know a=10+b


so a=2 and b=-8
2012-05-27 3:47 pm
Ok so if you expand this will be:

10 = a (1) + (-b) or 10= a - b
and if 0 = 16a + 4b will be 16a = -4b thus, -4a = b by dividing each side by -4

so now you just substitute, so 10 = a - (-4a) therefore 10 = a +4a --> 10 = 5a so A = 2

so if we go back either equation 10 = 2 - b and 0= 16(2) +4b --> 0=32+4b so -32=4b and b will be -8 for both, when doing math its always good to use both equations to check if you have the right answer.

Hope that helps?

Math is easy just got to follow logic and steps, and if this is your math homework for school, you should really learn but ya I get I was in school too, using google is the easy way but hey you'll get the marks thats all that really matters haha enjoy!
參考: My madfu*kn brain!
2012-05-27 3:10 pm
10 = a + b and 0 = 16a + 4b

So, 4b = -16a
=> b = -4a

=> a + b = 10
=> a + (-4a) = 10
=> a - 4a = 10
=> a = -10/3

Can you get the rest?

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