
2012-05-28 6:43 am
1.why light transmit image?
i.e.點解有光就會睇到個image?light rays carry image?

2.You can see beams of sunlight pass the edges of trees.
This is because tiny particles of dust,smoke,or mist in the air are reflecting
some of the light into your eyes.
我想問如果無dust particles,咁仲見唔見到個"light beam"?
因為light can travel in vacuum..



右面的藍色及粉紅色spot(B and A) 是2個different luminous object with same size.
如上圖所示,light rays emitted by the 2 objects are reflected by the mirror and enters our eyes.
2條reflected rays是overlap的
即係話,2條light rays 會reach 視網膜上的同一點,

係呢個situation,我地隻眼,會見到object A 還是object B?定係2個都見到?

3 圖是錯的,多謝咁多位指正 2 thx. 1.其實..原本我係想問點解光可以令我地睇到野,睇到個"image"...這個好似係bio野.. 呢個唔重要..岩岩睇左原因 但點解object 同image 個SHAPE係一樣(不單是mirror,convex lens,concave lens也是) 唔通光有記憶咩= =可以記得個image係咩樣,跟住整返個差唔多係一樣既image出 黎

回答 (3)

2012-05-29 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Light do not transmit image. There are virtual image and real image. Real image are formed by light rays while virtual image does not have light passing through. For example, an image formed by mirror is virtual as there are no light passing through behind the mirror to your eyes. You can regard a blur of light is also an image.

2. No. As light travels in straight line, you cannot see the light beam unless the light is directed to your eyes. For example, you can see some green light beam in "幻彩詠香江", yet they can be seen because of the dust particles in the air. If there are no dust, you cannot see those light beam. Similar experiment can be carried out if you have a laser pen, you can try to direct the red light to a paper, you will only see a red dot on paper.

3. It is Physics (Waves). Angle of reflection should equal to angle of incidence. Thus, the reflected ray of object B is drawn incorrectly. If the mirror is long enough, image of B can be seen. Yet, it does not share the same path as A.

2012-05-28 22:30:15 補充:
Besides, the images of A and B will not overlap each other. The person will only see them in the opposite direction. You can regard the mirror is a symmetric axis and you can reflect the object to the other side to obtain the image. As object A and B are not overlapped, their images will not overlap

2012-05-31 21:00:35 補充:
You can see objects (everything that is around you) is because they reflect light to your eyes. There are also some luminous objects, for example, the sun can give out light itself. You can see my face is because the light directed to my face is reflected by my face to your eyes.

2012-05-31 21:02:18 補充:
You can see a red paper is red color because that paper absorbs all the light except the red light. Red light is then reflected by this paper and goes into your eyes. Thus, you can see the red color of the paper.
Besides, concave lens or convex lens may give a diminished or magnified image.

2012-05-31 21:08:59 補充:
I cannot answer anymore so I paste my answer here.
Also, if the object is apple, the image should not be orange(in normal condition). Since the light rays are come from the apple, they are first reflected by the apple and then to the convex or concave lens. The lens refract the light and so the ima

2012-05-31 21:09:59 補充:
The lens refract the light and so the image size may differ.
2012-05-29 1:20 am

我岩岩畫多次幅圖發覺自己錯得超勁= =
忘記左normal perpendicular to mirror,即係上面根本無可能發生

咁如果唔係mirror呢,當佢係個rough surface

2012-05-28 17:21:18 補充:
2012-05-29 12:22 am
無可能A同B位置唔同而reflected ray成重疊(假如A,B同鏡不成一直線)
你想佢reflected ray重疊,入射角就一定要一樣,入射角一樣就代表AB鏡成一直線

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