
2012-05-27 8:52 pm

來自美國北達科他州的施魏格特(Nadine Schweigert)六年前與丈夫離婚,兩名小孩選擇跟隨父親生活,令她大受打擊。從此她自暴自棄,酗酒、吸煙、又不願出外見人,一度超重五十磅。她曾改變自己迎合他人,又花時間尋找另一半,卻一直不開心。結果她想通要為自己活下去,於今年三月舉行沒有新郎的婚禮,穿上藍色長裙,在四十名親友見證下嫁給自己,慶祝重獲新生。任職瑜伽導師的施魏格特以前很害怕形單影隻,現在卻很享受與自己約會的時光。不時提及「妻子」施魏格特近日接受訪問,片中她不但會向鏡子說「甜心,我愛你!」,又會獨自到餐廳用膳,不時提及自己的「妻子」。施魏格特說:「舉行一個人婚禮是十分開心的事,我為自己重新站起來,從此我會為我的歡愉而負責。」

Celebration: Ms Schweigert wore a blue gown for the ceremony and received wedding gifts from her guests

just crazy, i married young, i'm still young and i love being married,i went from living at home with abusive parents to leaving home at 15 and living in house share to moving in with my husband, i feel i missed out on living alone , i always like to think had i not met my husband and was still single now i would also be happy but marrying yourself?! that is crazy and embarassing that instead of being able to say i'm living alone and i need time to myslef she's parading around "marrying herself" and expefting applause for it and thinking she's a mastermind who's discovered some genious arrangement!

回答 (2)

2012-05-27 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
美婦與自己結婚,走出新人生?呢哋系嚴重精神妄想症, 獨陰難長獨陽難生, 陰陽不調和欠滋潤融和, 表面風光内心沮喪, 自欺欺人, 自我安慰啫.

有沒有想過嫁給自己?嫁/娶自己從未想過, 揾過吹氣橡膠人重可以抱下攪下錫下.
2012-05-28 2:48 am
unless don't have people love , i won't 嫁給自己
參考: myself

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