請幫我修改些作文!!thx ~~~10點

2012-05-25 3:01 am
01 The canoeing adventureToby was the only candidate inmy canoeing adventure;itstarted in South America Canal, and then turned into Boo-Boo River. In the meantime, by rowing down the stream wecould explore and experience cannibal and canyon. The civilizedmen are hardly ever seen.Today was a perfect day for usto go sailing. We brought along a lot of food, plenty of waterand many candies for this journey. We also prepared some canvas tobuild a shelter in case itwas raining. We started the engine wheneverything was ready. However, our boat lost balance when everyone jumped into it at thesame time. Our small boat capsized andwe all fell into the river.It was freezing but luckilymother Suki packed ussome warm clothes andtowels in our backpacks. Notlong after we all got dry and a group of cannibals captured us as hostages.Toby and I were certain thatwe were facinga great catastrophe.除了修改我的英文作文外,我想知道我有那些地方用法錯了 thx ~~~

回答 (3)

2012-05-26 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
01 The canoeing adventureToby was the only candidate in my canoeing adventure; we started in South America Canal, and then turned into Boo-Boo River. [In the meantime只可用於形容現在發生的事-你在記敘過去發生的事。另這phrase連接上文跟下文的時間應該是同時發生的兩件事,這裏不是-前面是地理行程-後句是過程經歷,並不是同時的兩件事,如果你講As we rolled down the steam, in the mean time, a helicopter was flying downstream to get ready to transport us back home.咁就係同時的意思 ] By rowing down the stream, we could explore and experience cannibals and canyon [cannibal是指食人族的土人-不是collective的,先說你的explore和experience食人族的人意思很有問題=探索和經歷被食?另外cannibals是人+canyon是山/石,兩樣不可以/不應該and埋的寫法 =>建議你分兩句用不同的動詞/形容方式來寫]. [不需The – 沒有有一種叫civilized man的個體 – 這詞是一種concept] civilized men are hard [錯ever – 不需要] to be seen. [不要瞎抄了別的情景的phrase = hardly ever seen = 重來都未見過,hard to be seen/find = 沒見到/難以找到]That [你今天記述那天=that day,但由於你接著要用”day”所以這開頭詞便可省去day] was a perfect day for us to go sailing.[註:sailing是駕駛帆船-你上面說的是划船,並不是同一樣的活動] We brought along a lot of food, plenty of water and many candies for this journey. We also prepared some canvas to build a shelter in case of rain.[記敘時把rain變為noun一個現像而不是一個未知/有時間性的情況] We started the engine when everything was ready. However, our boat lost balance when everyone jumped into it [jumped into it雖然沒有錯,但航海有它專用的術語,登船會說got on board] at the same time. Our small boat capsized and we all fell into the river. It was freezing but luckily mother Suki [誰是mother suki?通常這樣寫Mother xxx是指xxx修女 – Mother是她的title稱號] packed us some warm clothes and towels in our backpacks. Not long after we all got dry and a group of cannibals captured us as hostages. Toby and I were certain that we were facing a great catastrophe.
2012-05-25 9:55 pm
sorry i dont really understand your meaning
could you mind to explain it briefly?
2012-05-25 4:57 am
error and correction:-a hostage to fortune=means something that you have ,or have promised to do ,that could cause trouble or worry in the future.,hence to match with the initial (c),it is Chinese hostage to fortune.

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