analytic geometry, quadratics and trigenometry :/?

2012-05-23 11:37 pm
So i have a project thing due soon and i need to come up with a situation where analytic gemetery, trig, and quadratics is used... simple enough right? yea but if i want that extra mark the 3 math problems have to relate to one situation... and after a long time of thinking.. my mind is still blank help??

like someone throws a ball and makes a parabola.. how far did the ball go, how high etc.. but i need all 3 in one help please

回答 (3)

2012-05-23 11:51 pm
you could do something on the geometry involved in receiving radio images from some source, deep space, sattellite, (ground transmitter to sattelite relays to receiver.)
2012-05-23 11:44 pm
There is none man
2012-05-23 11:41 pm
A triangle within a circle. Look at Thales theorem. Hope it give you some idea.

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