Zinc with H2SO4 and CuSO4

2012-05-24 6:30 am
今日老師教緊 simple chemical cells
跟住就做lab,佢將 Mg powder 倒入去 CuSO4(aq)


但係如果將Zn放入H2SO4再加a few drops CuSO4(aq),


回答 (1)

2012-05-24 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Zn reacts with H­2SO4 to give H2 gas.

The equation for the reaction is :
Zn(s) + H2SO4(g) → ZnSO4(s) + H2(g)
OR : Zn(s) + 2H^+(g) → Zn^2+(s) + H2(g)

On addition of a few drops of CuSO4 solution to the reactionmixture, the reaction becomes much faster. This is because copper(II) ions, Cu^2+(aq) ions, are the catalyst(催化劑)of the above reaction.

2012-05-24 17:02:22 補充:
Actually, the catalyst is Cu instead of Cu^2+ ions. The Cu^2+ ions are reduced by Zn which provides a coating of Cu to cover the Zn. An electrolytic cell is made where the more reactive metal (Zn) is the anode and Cu is the cathode, with the dilute acid acting as an electrolyte.

2012-05-24 17:02:35 補充:
This means the hydrogen ions are more likely to be reduced at the cathode which results in a faster reaction rate.
參考: micatkie, micatkie, micatkie

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