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正常英式文法, 應該是:
Think differently; you can find out many different things.
要考慮最後那句, “you can find out many different things.”
Differently 在英國的字典上, 純是 adverb 副詞, 以上句子,用以修飾動詞 think.
只有美國字典並且列 different 可以做 adverb, e.g. Merrian-Webster Dictionary.
Think in what way? Think in many different ways.
不是 one unique way, 是 many different ways. (複數, 多過一個 way)
通常, verb 後面, 多數用 adverb, 只有 linking verb (seem, sound, taste, appear, look etc) 後面可用 adjective
e.g. She looked different.
問題 think 是否是 linking verb?
多數不是, 但是有時侯, 用起來 (usage), think 後面是 adjective, 尤其 informal English
例如 think big, think positive, think smart, think fit
You need to think big if you want to run this business.
You must do as you think fit.
The Magic of Thinking Big ~ by David Schwartz 一本書名
If you want to make a lot of money, think different.
如果你要搵許多錢, 思考要與眾不同
重點在 different 這個字, 是 adjective, 形容詞
好似形容個 noun, 可能形容是產品,事物, (思維內容)
think different 思考內容要不同 ~ a change in the content of our thought (thought 是 noun, 形容名詞)
think differently 是思考方法不同 ~ a change in the way we think
蘋果這個 advertising slogan, 他們叫人“think different", 最後目的是他們的產品, 用 different, 好像他們產品的形容詞, How different? 是 unique, (獨特), innovative (創新), 有自己品味, 與眾不同 (very different from others), 暗示他們產品不同 IBM, HP, Microsoft, Google, You have to think different, (thinking in a unique way, not in many different ways, change in the content of our thought) 才領會蘋果產品, 無論 notebook computer 或 iPhone.
可能這是Think different 和 think differently 分別, 雖然分別是 subtle
另外一看法: (純粹個人意見)
不知道蘋果廣告部用 different 當 adjective 還是當adverb.不要忘記蘋果是美國公司
或者蘋果廣告部使用英語, 在文法上, 不跟隨常規, advertising slogan 有自己一套. 不受文法,限制,與眾不同.
Thank you for your sharing.
2012-05-25 23:54:45 補充:
覆 hahatse 博士:
Simplicity is a blessing!
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary