急!急!急! 自薦信,中譯英

2012-05-23 7:25 am
校長閣下你好, 本人乃是XXX之家長,小兒 將於今年九月升讀小學一年級, 借此自薦信希望可表達一些心聲和理念, 我相信每位愛錫子女的父母都希望可以給予世上最好的給自己的寶貝, 我亦不例外, 在我而然, 最好的並不是物質和金錢可換取的, 而我對小兒的祈望是可以在一個快樂健康的環境下成長,在得意時懂感恩、分享,遇上失意時,能具備勇氣和正面的智慧去面對解决. 在這五年半裹我和小兒一同努力地學習, 能看見小兒的成長進步, 共同分享到喜怒哀樂, 確是莫大的感恩, 雖然小兒並不是樣樣超卓非凡, 但他的本質卻是令我感到安慰, 本性成熟懂事的小兒,從小便喜歡擔任哥哥一職,在家是個好幫手,除了會主動地做些小家務,還懂保護和教導妹妹,是個願意付出愛和願意承擔責任的好哥哥, 的確是有領導潛能的, 所以同學們都喜歡稱呼他為「小老師」,而當我工作勞累和遇上不快時, 便會給我一個擁抱以表安慰及支持, ,而第一次小兒在奪取獎項後,給我的一個擁抱和深深一吻,然後再妁將獎項送給我,這舉動令台下的歡呼聲更熱烈, 那刻我感動得流下淚兒, 最令我驕傲的,並不是其獎項, 而是我欣賞小兒不單只有了目標便會做得到,而最重要是小兒的那份真愛.另附上小兒親手自制的自薦信, 希望小兒可以一起參與, 從中學習到為了自己所定的目標, 必須要努力爭取, 學會欣賞自己, 亦要自我檢討不足之處, 為承諾盡力做到最好,信裹用了畫畫、摺紙和簡單的字句,希望X校長閣下在細閱後,可多些了解和感受到小兒的誠意, 本人亦誠懇希望 校長大人能賜與機會和支持,給小兒作一面試短敍, 雖然我己做了五年多媽媽, 但經驗亦有感不足, 我相信用適當的關愛去培養小朋友, 對他(她)們來說是影響深遠的 , 貴校建立的教學方向和理念, 本人是十分欣賞和認同的, 只要有正確的學習方向, 及培養良好的態度, 加以適當的鼓勵, 相信小兒的表現可以有更好的成績, 如能入讀貴校的學生子弟必定能建立到自信,自律和自愛的信念, 本人認同子女之成長發展,有賴家長與學校攜手合作, 希望能與貴校成為夥伴, 在校長閣下的帶領和我小兒共同栽培成長 , 這對小兒之成長實在有莫大益處, 如小兒獲 貴校取錄,本人樂意參與家校活動,與學校共同肩負孩子成長發展之責任。 本人誠懇希望,校長閣下能與小兒作一短談,給與支持,隨函附上小女就讀幼稚園之成績單及個人資料,懇請 察閱。如蒙貴校給予入讀機會,小兒定當勤奮向學,謹遵校長與老師之諄諄教誨,日後貢獻社會,為  貴校爭光,以報悉心栽培之恩。

回答 (2)

2012-05-23 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
His Excellency President of Hello, I was XXX parents, children in September this year will be admitted to the first grade,Take this cold letter hope can expression some voice and concept, I believe each bit love Tin children of parents are hope can give world best of to themselves of baby, I also does not exception, in I and so, best of is not material and money can for of, and I on children of pray is can in a happy health of environment Xia growth, in pride Shi knows Thanksgiving, and share, case Shang down Shi, can has courage and positive of intelligent to face solution. In this 5.5 years wrapped I and children together efforts to learning, can saw children of growth progress, common share to joys, does is great of Thanksgiving, although children is not everything excellent extraordinary, but he of nature is is order I is comfort, nature mature mature of children, small will like served as brother a vocational, at home is a good helper, apart from will active to do small domestic, also knows protection and taught sister, is a willing to pay love and willing to bear responsibility of good brother, does is has led potential of, So students were are like call he for "small teacher", and Dang I work tired and case Shang unpleasant Shi, will will to I a embrace to table comfort and the support,, and first times children in win awards Hou, to I of a embrace and deep a kiss, and then Shuo will awards to I, this moves order Taiwan Xia of cheers sound more warm, that carved I moved was shed tears infants, most order I pride of, is not its awards, but I enjoy children not only only has target will will do are, And most important is children of that copies really love. another attached children personally 參考資料︰http://www.microsofttranslator.com/ (Bing翻譯)自己[hope I can help you(希望幫到你),其他回答者請勿抄襲,其他回答者請勿參考或「抄考」,發問者請勿移除問題,其他網友請勿檢舉本答案]
2012-05-24 4:41 am
絕對!絕對唔可以放上d 網上翻譯 度譯

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