
2012-05-23 12:34 am
我最近要作文.但老師說很多錯文法 例如 punctuation .singular/plural
還有要有5個以上language feature .

when i was young, i wanted to be a teenager.
Does anyone know what i saw when i was a little boy. That's was a fantastic meories. I could see my parents look like a giant.The first time i went to a baskeball court, i saw the goal ring was a high building,the height the same as my house. It's scared me!!!
"Be careful when you are crossing the road"Mum said.
That's make my brain exploed. i didn't like my mum at that moment,I tried to be ignoring her.
I wanted to be alone. By the way, My mum was just protecting me..

Now,i'm 15 years old, I don't want to be a teenager,i'd like to be a baby,because i'm really busy of the whole year and i've 180cm of my height,I won't be scared by goal ring anymore. and im strong now.everything i do,iam really careful.
I don't want to work all the time,it's sick of me.but i'm not going to give up.Because my parents spent tons of money on me,That's the reason i can't give up,
I haven't seen my parents in ages, iam missing them right now, I wont think she is annoying anymore.

回答 (1)

2012-05-23 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a teenager. I had fantastic memories.[這是你老師說的singular/prual的問題: “a”是單數,”meories”(串錯)是眾數] For example: My parents looked like giants [Parents是眾數(意思是父+母),所以他們看似也是眾數的giant]. When I went to a basketball court for the first time, I saw the goal ring [籃框/圈唔係咪這個字呢?] and it was like a tall building, [用錯high字了-記住一樣東西本身是高大是tall, 一樣東西放在高處才是high, 當然港語的high都是借用英文感覺高漲=把情緒/情感/感覺帶到一個高處] [你應該在這句用明喻= a is like b, 後半的my house是重覆和錯的對比(事實是除非你住的house是一層樓高,否則籃球架不會跟你住的大廈那麼高的-就算是比喻也是錯的] It scared me!!! [It’s = It was…便要跟一個adj, 而scared是verb, 句法而言It was scared=它(籃球架)被嚇人] [另一個主題而想想連接詞或新一段]"Be careful when you are crossing the road." Mum said. That's made my brain exploded. I didn't like my mum at that moment, I tried to [錯用be = tried to be是想成為/嘗試做到 – 你似乎是你想不理她] ignore her. I wanted to be alone. In reflection, [用錯by the way=順便一提。你意思是你想告訴讀者你想清楚後的感受是], my mum was just protecting me.. Now, I’m 15 years old, I don't want to be a teenager, I'd like to be a baby. It is because I'm really busy for the whole year.[這句跟後面的的內容和前面的理由不相干啊-不可以放這裏] I'm 180cm [注意不是你have(有)幾高,而是你是幾高-英文用數字高度便不用再講「高」(要學不要把中文字句變成英文句子)], I won't be scared by the goal ring anymore. and I’m strong now. [everything i do,iam really careful.這句完全離題和跟你想做嬰兒而不想做有甚麼關係-事實其他句子也沒有解釋你為何不想做年青人而想返回做嬰兒] I don't want to work all the time, it's sick of me[sick of me是甚麼意思=它(work)是我不妥?錯得冇得改正]. but I'm not going to give up. Because my parents spent tons of money on me, that's the reason I can't give up. I haven't seen my parents in ages, I am missing them right now. [如前述parents是父+母,後面只講mum話要重設角色] I don’t think my mum is annoying anymore.[won’t不是錯-只是意思上won’t是未來將來時態,如果是現在已經改變應該用現在時態] [註:是按你的編排指出修改,沒有改寫你的內容,但後半部的編排雜亂和不對題,試集中一點(你是想講你不想做teenager的理由,還是想講你很想努力做好teenager以報親恩)。

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