((急)) 一段英文翻譯

2012-05-22 9:01 am

回答 (2)

2012-05-22 9:15 pm
Taiwan enterprise abuse Philippines labour really of thing a large national humiliation, this on like racial discrimination General, in democratic of Taiwan, Philippines labour has like no human rights as of not people, this labour had with than prisoners also bitter of days on to made those thin of money to gruel mouth, but Taiwan of enterprise has is so of does not humanitarian treat these Philippines labour, not only continuous work up 8-12 hours violation labour security health method provides; shifts table Super mess, monthly shift number up to 12 times ; Buckle accommodation fee of NT $ 4,000 per month, but often didn't eat or eat enough; hostel no hot water, no air conditioning in the summer in winter; holiday overtime, overtime without overtime during the Chinese lunar new year; payroll not mother-tongue translation; passports were detained, and all these inequalities of treatment in the body, listening to really let people sad
2012-05-22 11:28 am

勞工局回復我... *****人在國外.事在國外.無從介入***


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