I am about to graduaute from high school and have not yet completed my fafsa.?

2012-05-21 9:27 pm
Although my form is not due until July 1, I was wondering if it was still too late to try and get money? Thank you.

回答 (7)

2012-05-21 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To maximize your award you should have done your FAFSA Jan 1 so make sure every other year you do it (as you have to renew it after the first year every year) that you do it early: http://bellarminearc.wordpress.com/2011/01/10/file-your-fafsa-early-this-year-and-heres-why/

Its best to get it done so you do not delay your award offers. Are you attending in fall? My daughter already got her award offer for fall and is set to go already, so if you are attending in fall you need to get that in.

Helpful sites:
When filling it out call FAFSA with help on the questions: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/contact.htm
More help filling it out: http://studentaid.ed.gov/students/publications/completing_fafsa/2012_2013/main.html

All about financial aid: http://studentaid.ed.gov/students/attachments/siteresources/12-13_Guide.pdf


2012-05-22 4:37 am
You need to start working on it now, TODAY, sure the deadline isn't until July but you should at least want to get it turned in months before it's due. I hope you don't procrastinate like this in college.
2012-05-22 9:33 am
you must understand, applying for aid is a PROCESS that is much more than simply fillout the fafsa and hitting the "TRANSMIT" button. It is a process that takes 6-9 weeks in GOOD circumstances.... and sometimes longer when people wait until the last minute when the fin aid offices are swamped and over run with people. No, it's not too late for you to get money, however.... don't plan on your school getting your aid before you must pay for your tuition. most schools require payment IN FULL before classes start. Be sure you have the money to pay for your classes up front because waiting this late means you won't have any aid ready til October.
2012-05-22 4:41 am
It's first come, first served so if you wait there might not be as much left for you.
2012-05-22 4:28 am
I think you should talk to your financial aid advisor. And yes, you should get your form in before the deadline.
2012-05-22 9:07 am
the deadline is June 30th, but the longer you put off applying the longer it will take to get your application approved. there are tons of kids each year that put it off until the last minute, and never get their funding by the time college classes start in the fall. it can take months to approve an application.
2012-05-22 4:48 am
Good luck on getting money. My third son went out of state and we got zero from fafsa because he was out of state. The first two were in state but didn't get near enough. Your parents are the ones who need to complete the form, which is a bear.

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