28 organic compound naming Qs

2012-05-22 5:46 am
Name the following organic compounds according to the IUPAC system.




My answers
1) but-2-ene
2) ethanol
3) propanone
4) 2-methylpropan-2-ol
5) 2-amino-2-chloropropane
6) 2-bromo-1-chloro-2-fluoropropan-1-ol
7) phenol
8) cyclohexanol
9) diethyl ether
10) 3-ethyl-2-methylhexane
11) 2,2-dimethylpropanoic acid
12) ethandioic acid
13) I don't know how to do this, plz teach me.
14) methyl ethanoate
15) ethanamide
16) methylethanamide
17) 4-hydroxyphenol
18) 4-hydroxyphenyl ethanamide
19) propan-1,2,3-triol
20) I don't know this, plz teach me
21) tetrafluoroethene
22) methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate
23) methanal
24) I don't know how to do this, plz teach me.
25) ethnoyl acid
26) I don't know how to do this, plz teach me.
27) I don't know how to do this, plz teach me.
28) 2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid

Are they correct?
And for those I don't know how to do, can the steps of identifying functional group and homologus series be listed, I don't know how to name them!!

Thank you very very much!

回答 (3)

2012-05-22 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. correct
2. correct
3. correct
4. correct
5. "amine" is the suffix here.
so, it's 2-chloropropan-2-amine

6. correct
7. correct
("phenol" is so commonly used that everyone knows what it is)

8. correct
9. "diethyl ether" is a common name.
its main chain is "ethane", with a substituent of "ethoxy".
so, it's "ethoxyethane"

10. correct
11. in principle, the naming is correct.
however, I'd rather name it as "dimethylpropanoic acid",
as on the world there could be ONLY ONE dimethylpropanoic acid, no ambiguity.

12. "ethanedioic acid".
after "ethan-", the "d" but not a vowel; so after "ethan-" we need an extra "e".

13. this is acid anhydride.
if the parent acids for both sides are the same (like this), then name according to the acid ------> "ethanoic anhydride".
(common name: "acetic anhydride")
If the acids are different, arrange them alphabetically, like "ethanoic popanoic anhydride".

14. correct
15. correct
16. in principle, it's named as "N-methylethanamide".
The substituent on the nitrogen atom has to be named accordingly.
However, I bet your name is also okay, as on the world there's ONLY ONE possible methylethanamide.

17. "benzene-1,4-diol"
Also has common name of "hydroquinone" and "para-benzenediol".
Sometimes "1,4- position" is called "para-" or simply "p-";
"1,3- position" ------> "meta-" or "m-"
"1,2- position" ------> "ortho-" or "o-"

18. your "4-hydroxyphenyl-" is a whole substituent (on the amide-nitrogen), so put it in brackets:
"N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanamide" (one word, no spacing)

19. correct
20. sold as "aspirin" 阿士匹靈; common name as "acetylsalicylic acid";
Wikipedia says "2-acetoxybenzoic acid"; I guess something like "2-carboxyphenyl ethanoate".
Well, just call it "acetylsalicylic acid", everyone knows what it is.

21. correct
22. I bet it could be simplified as "methyl 2-methylpropenoate" or even "methyl methylpropenoate", reason same as above.

23. correct
24. Someone call it "carbamide", but "urea" is good enough.

2012-05-22 09:31:53 補充:
25. notice the chlorine attached to the carbon in C=O, so it's "ethanoyl chloride".

2012-05-22 09:32:09 補充:
26. yes, it's a hydrazine; and there's ONE big substituent, consists of a phenyl ring with two nitro- group.

2012-05-22 09:32:24 補充:
con't 26.
It's also a well-known reagent (well, at least in A-level) called "Brady's reagent", and sometimes abbreviated as "2,4-D" or "2,4-DNPH".

2012-05-22 09:32:44 補充:
27. This is hard as hell. Well... it's nylon 尼龍.
"Nylon-6,6" ---- first number represents no. of carbon atoms in parent diamine (in this case, hexane-1,6-diamine"; second number represents no. of carbon in dioic acid (hexanedioic acid).

2012-05-22 09:32:54 補充:
Notice that "Nylon-6" is different from "Nylon-6,6".

28. correct.
But it's also an amino acid, everyone knows it is "serine".

2012-05-22 21:43:01 補充:
Oh well, did I do something stupid?
Oh well, at least LiTw has shown his effort on trying his best attempting the questions. This could be some demonstrations for others on naming.
Oh well, even I could not always pay attention to the class.
2012-05-27 7:08 am
Sorry, I have forgot to choose you as the best answerer!!
2012-05-23 3:01 am
Haha, it's my hw. And I know which X you are!
I won't tell Miss Chan ! ^_^

2012-05-22 19:03:06 補充:
And, I know you haven't pay attention on class(all have been taught and discussed in class) ^_^

2012-05-23 21:10:51 補充:
Actually, I don't mean anything, I'm just pulling his leg = =

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