
2012-05-22 12:29 am

回答 (5)

2012-05-26 9:55 am
He is treated badly by his father everyday.
2012-05-22 4:18 pm
“everyday” is an adjective. One should use adverbial expression “every day” in this translation. (~ two separate words)

虐待 = abuse
One really shouldn’t say the abuse is physical. It may be emotional, neglect or sexual abuse. We really don’t know.

2012-05-22 08:51:18 補充:
abuse (noun)
Many children suffer racial abuse at school.

Abuse (verb ~ transitive)
The father had abused his own daughter.
Several of the children had been physically and emotionally abused.

Other meaning:
abuse = 濫用
2012-05-22 4:53 am
Abuse, torture都係唔錯ge選擇。



He was abused by his father every day. ,

He is tortured by his father every day. 等等,


2012-05-22 2:24 am
abuse11. 濫用, 妄用...( 更多)同義詞injure, damage, mistreat, maltreat變化形 動變abused abused abusing vt. 及物動詞He abused his power while in office.他在職時濫用權力。You are always abusing and offending people.你總是出言不遜得罪人。Those captives were physically abused.那些俘虜遭受了肉體上的摧殘。He is abused by his father everyday. 他每天都被他的爸爸虐待 。
2012-05-22 1:52 am
abuse:-unfair,cruel or violent treatment of a child.
eg:-He suffered physical abuse by his father everyday.(n)
參考: google website

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