Can parents call police on a 20 year old?

2012-05-21 7:27 am
I'm 20 and there are some nights I just need to stay out with friends to keep me sane or stay at soneones house. We do nothing wrong, we are not junkies, we just enjoy hanging out a lot l, plus not hanging out is making me extremely socially awkward and it affects my life. they will get the police involved if i'm not home by 11pm. They say they know people who will find me. Is there anything they can legally do about it? Its pissing me off beyond belief because i'm always respectful to them I don't talk back and I do what they ask.

回答 (9)

2012-05-21 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since you're an adult, they can't do anything about it. But if it bothers you that much, at 20 you should be independent and live on your own. If you do that, your problem will be solved for good.
2016-10-17 12:28 am
i'm left questioning why your foster son engages with the neighbor over your objections. it might look to me that there is a bigger undertaking at artwork right here to your foster son then basically an unruly neighbor. As for a imaginitive punishment, i'm no longer coming up with plenty that suits what's describe. perfect i'm coming up with is having him volunteer at a homeless safeguard that concentrates on alcoholics/addicts so he can see what the mans destiny is. yet that isn't be appropriate in the journey that your foster son has a bigger undertaking on the subject of an alcoholic grownup. i think each city has a close-by the place human beings injury countless bottles and childrens play in the process the day time. might desire to touch city and see approximately your son cleansing up that section.
2012-05-21 10:13 am
Yes they can.
2012-05-21 8:36 am
Police will not do anything, move out on your own and you can do as you please.
2012-05-21 7:36 am
LOL no
2012-05-21 7:33 am
No your over 18. Even if they do they won't do anything because your an adult and can make your own decisions. The police will just hear your 20 and do nothing.
2012-05-21 7:30 am
No. The police will tell them they your old enough to take care of yourself, unless they report you *** a missing person, then the police will tell them that they have to wait 3 days before reporting you missing... So no they cant..
2012-05-21 7:30 am
Technically they can call the police on you, but they have no rights to if your 18+ and are not doing anything illegal. So say to them 'let me do what I want'
2012-05-21 7:28 am
You're an adult, and unless you're engaged in a criminal activity, there's very little they can do. However, if you still live at home, there's a difference between legal and legal...

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