M2 Binomial theorem

2012-05-20 8:23 am
好心人Pls. help help幫幫忙牙?


回答 (4)

2012-05-20 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can refer the following answer!

Note that i=4 to 10.

2012-05-20 08:13:03 補充:
the answer of b) should be -114

2012-05-20 09:33:12 補充:
sorry! typo again!!
By given the answer of b) is
-1000-20+90+6 = -924
2012-05-20 4:40 pm
-1000-20+90+6 = -924
2012-05-20 10:43 am
BY given , b) ans. is -924.
2012-05-20 9:16 am
a) (Σ(i=1,n) 4Ai ) = 4(Σ(i=1,n) 2-5i ) (記得Σ入個variable係 i 唔係n)
= 4(Σ(i=1,n) 2 ) - 20(Σ(i=1,n) i )
= 8n -10n(n+1)

b) by (a) with n =10 , (Σ(i=1, 10) 4Ai ) = 8(10) -10(10)(11) = -1020

(Ai 其實同 An一樣,只係個variable 唔同左。仲有野唔明可以留言)

2012-05-20 01:17:36 補充:
話時話,同binomial 有關係咩 @@?

2012-05-20 10:55:50 補充:
2樓正解. part b) 我的確計錯左.... 對不起

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